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2:16 p.m. - Monday, Mar. 29, 2004
Saturday, Sunday, Today...
Saturday was kinda tough.

Just kinda.

and hectic to say the least! Had a meeting that morning, had to run to the office, take care of office work, then had to show a few properties, rush BACK to the office, to meet Mother, to list a property that is approximately TWO HOURS away from us. $300,000. Yowza.

It's less than one mile from Faith Hill's "Amazing Grace Mansion". Hmm... should sell pretty quick, I'd say.

Anyways. After we got back from the listing, (at 6:30pm), there was a mad dash to freshen up and change because we had to attend a friend's wedding (at 7pm). I say "had to" because it wasn't exactly a delight. I don't care for the bride and the groom was being an idiot. But, When ya grow up with 'tha family'.. it's sorta expected...

The second most annoying thing of the wedding itself, was when after the "padre" (the bride is mexican) said "You may kiss your bride!", her father stood there and hollared, "AW, HELL NO!!"

How do you do that? In a church? At your DAUGHTER'S WEDDING? Seriously? You KNEW it would happen? Dude's a jackass. Serious JACK. ASS. (bless me, shush, Dimples.)

The number one MOST annoying thing, you ask?

B was there.

That makes for twice in two days. This time I couldn't ignore him, there's still this part of me that misses him, and it ticks me off. Alot.

I walked in the door to the reception hall, saw B, and cursed. This is just not good. I abhore cursing.


It really does make me angry.

Any time I run into him, or he passes by, everyone looks at me and says, "Just let it go. He's not worth it. Give it to God. Just let it go."

Yes, I know this. I've already let it go. Every single time, I LET IT GO. I know very well that he isn't worth ANYTHING.

I know very well that I gave him a part of me, and he just took what he wanted then tossed me away. I know this.

It's just that instant between seeing his face, and getting back to not giving a flying leap...

That tiny instant when he creeps into my heart and rips it to pieces. That momentary lapse when I think all over again, "What did I do? Why'd you go away? What's so wrong with me?"

That small moment in time when I forget that he's a jerk, and I hurt so bad that I want to cry, because my friend threw me away as if I were nothing.

Once I get past that, tho. It's all fine. All good. He's completely worthless, and I have no need to waste my feelings or time on him. And I could care less.


I'm just getting a little tired of dealing with that tiny instant, that's all.


Anywoodoodles. Sunday rocked. The Service was just what I needed. And I got to see Alyssa and Art, and that ALWAYS makes my day. Got to wrestle with my fiance!! Wooohoo!

Only bad part was after lunch for some reason I was ready to pass out. The whole dizzy, queasy, crossey-eyed thing. Managed to drive home, tried to get some sleep and I COULDN'T.

Just couldn't sleep. I layed there and counted to a million. I tried watching tv. I tried WILLING myself to sleep. Didn't work.

All I managed to do was give myself a MASSIVE headache. The kind that make the slightest movement painful. You know, the ones that feel like your head will explode and should anything touch your head (including your hair), it'll just POP. One of them.

Got online for a little, thinking maybe that would help, but all that did was make it worse. However, I DID get to see a few people I have really missed! Yo TUBSTER!!

Then Gene called, and I fell asleep on him a couple times, so I figured I should get off the computer. teehee

Don't quite remember hanging up. That's happened the last few nights. Maybe that isn't such a good thing? Hmmm...


Today is good so far. Started out real well, however I keep getting more and more exhausted as the day progresses. Worrisome. Hm.

Curly came down today, and brought My Baby! He's gotten so big..... and he's SUCH a little sweetie. Now he's got this huge Mop of curls on top of his head... just adorable. Every time I see them (the kids), all I can say is "ADORABLE!"



Miss you, Doofus! Hope to catch you again soon...


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