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2:03 p.m. - Monday, Mar. 29, 2004
101 Opinions
Ok, I stole this off Hussified/Coleen (don't even ASK. Just DON'T. Otay, you can ask, cause she's really cool!), seriously. I mean I literally just STOLE this. I read it, and it just got me to thinking. I'm curious as to what people REALLY think about me. Honestly.

So, here you go. Please use my email, and let me know. I'm gonna go for the whole "101 Things About Me" style type dealie, but PLEASE don't write 101 things LOL specially if they're bad!! Point being, give me good and bad here, I wanna know!! (cause I really am masochistic)

Gonna just go ahead and copy her catagories. I added a couple and you should add more, too, if you like!

The way you see me, both good and bad:

1. My Looks
2. My Friendship
3. My Personality
4. Me on the phone (or voice chat, which ever)
5. Me on Meds or alcohol (which none of you know cause I've only ever been drunk once and I called NO ONE! WHAHAHA!)
6. My Gifts (talent-wise)
7. My GIFTS (K. Whatcha think of the stuff I give? Huh?)
8. Miscellaneous
9. Small Summary about the H'ster!
Now..... GO WRITE!



I got like 2 replies. That's sad. Anyways, here's the list!


1. My Looks:
Beautiful inside and out, even if I don't believe that, because all that matters is that TreeWillow said it, because to her, I AM!

2. My Friendship:
Priceless. "kind, considerate, sincere, honest, compassionate, loving, lovely, down to earth, extremly mature for your age."

3. My Personality:
"Honest, caring, trusting, sincere, compassionate, loyal, loving. A winning personality, such an outgoing personality that it makes everyone like you and want to be your friend."

4. Me on the phone (or voice chat, which ever):
I have "the cutest accent in the world" and I "spend so much time laughing on the phone but that's great" because I'm "happy and one can hear that in your voice". I'm "silly and really pretty goofy but it suits you so well. And I mean that as a complement honestly."

5. Me on Meds or alcohol (which none of you know cause I've only ever been drunk once and I called NO ONE! WHAHAHA!):
"I haven't heard you on meds, well ok not on the phone. But I am pretty darn sure I have spoken to you when you have been on meds. And I must say your pretty funny, your even more silly than you are off them if that's at all possible. And one day I will be a bad influence on you, and I will get you drunk just so I can say I have seen you drunk :�. "

6. My Gifts (talent-wise):
I am gifted in "making people feel special. You have made me feel that way since I first had the pleasure of meeting you. I don't necessarily feel that I am special, but you make me feel that way." There's also "making people laugh, when they need to laugh." which I am awesomely good at. I am gifted at "letting your friends know you care and that you are there for them WHENEVER they need you.", and another gift is that I "have this way you can find a verse that can make a person think about something, or make them feel better about something. I guess what I am trying to say here is, your gift is your faith in God, and how your never afraid to express your feelings for God. And I so admire that in you."

7. My GIFTS (K. Whatcha think of the stuff I give? Huh?):
Well, this one was really long and very sentimental, but apparently, I give fairly decent gifts that have much sentimental value if not any actual monetary value. I love you too, Sister Mine.

8. Miscellaneous:
I am "special in every way possible." Cool. ;o)

9. Small Summary about the H'ster!:
Treewillow: "Well what else can I say, other than you mean the world to me. I wish that I had your maturity when I was your age. And I hope and pray that I can raise S half as well as your mom did with you. I know this really isn't a summary about you. But that's my answer and I'm sticking too it."

Not quite 101, but that's ok. I'm all teary eyed over what TreeWillow said anyways...



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