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7:28 p.m. - Friday, May. 07, 2004
Quotes that move me
Things said to me recently, that made me get sniffly & cry, or smile really big, because they touched my heart:


"I wish you were here to see the sights and ride the plane with me! 'She is literally the polaroid of perfection!' I'm thinking of you!" - Alyssa

"Hope you know I'm in love with you..." - Gene

"I love your tenderness, your faith, your positive attitude, your craziness and your passion.
Thank you for your friendship and support! I'll always be there for you and will hope you are granted the best things in life and that your wishes all come true..." - Josh

"My Precious Daughter,
Baby girl, who has become a lady... you have been a part of my salvation. Not too many women are blessed to have a daughter whom they love but in addition is loveable...
... You are a dear lady of honor, integrity, & purpose...
...I cherish you." - My Mother

"...if you don't like you, who will?" - Theresa

"You really ARE always adorable, you know that? (And I'm not just saying that because you promised me that 3-some, either...although it helped). AND THANKS FOR THE PIMPIN', BABY!! :)" - DangerSpouse!

"...And I am glad you feel you can tell me anything without my opinon of you changing cause that's very true..." - Sister Mine

"I know you do...'re just too sweet not to like anybody... ...That's what I tell myself when I've neglected you..." - Doofus

"you're a really talented photographer!!" - Red-Savannah

"You are the truest friend I've ever had. Sorry to do this in church, but it just hit me all the sudden, and I had to tell you." - Alyssa

"You just make my day. Hugs" - a chat friend by the name of "GummyBear"

"Your smile is like a breath of fresh air." - Doofus

"Gorgeous, I know that. If it bothered me, I would have said something." - Gene

"Wondered where you went. :)" - Jamie

"hey, 'cat'. thanks for all your notes and signs. this puppy been bad at keeping up with such things, but they sure are appreciated." - Beagle47

"You're the best, babe. With, or without, clothing! (And I don't say that to many broads). Ciao, Bella! :)" - DangerSpouse *HA! This one made me laugh so hard my lemonade came out my nose... ouchie!*

"....amazing things come out of your beautiful soul... ...Much hugs and positive vibes to you angelhead!" - Josh

"I like your diary - feels kinda like home, if that makes any sense, lol..." - RadioGurl

"Dearest Scatterheart..." - Josh

"I love you too, kid - and tell Rebecca she's a tree frog." - DangerSpouse

When told that I would be driving, and we'd never be alone - at all: "gorgeous,i just want to see you and spend time with you,i think i can deal with that" - Gene

"Take care, baby - your cuteness defies words ;)" - That Zaney DangerSpouse Again!

"you know you can say or ask anything with me" - John

"God bless yous and my family. Hugsssssssssssss I love you sweetie." - Sister Mine

"Well Heather, my very dear friend..." - John

"I salute you for managing to be adorable despite your crippling malady - and your ability to quote Monty Python, too! I LOVE YOU!! Rock on, baby girl :)" - DangerSpouse

"You're my best friend... I just so love you..." - Alyssa

"I've been catching up with your online diary. It helps me not miss you so much." - Doofus


I'll probably add more... Actually, I will add more. Because my friends and family are awe inspiring in their wonderfullness. and I adore them. And they move me.




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