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7:10 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 05, 2004
God is so Good to me!
Heck YEAH I was goin crazy!

Invisible D finally shared The Deets!


And this also means another addition to the "Page O' Mentions". teehee.


So. I'm just really blessed. Cause my God, he's Awesome. Really. I mean, a totally cool Guy, seriously!

Last night, mere minutes after my purse fell off the top of my car as we turned onto the road, a neighbor drove by and picked it up.

She called the number on my biz cards, but as we weren't home, no one answered. Yeah, we forgot to forward the phones.

Well, after getting no answer, she did the only thing she could think of. She took my purse to her father. Who's a police officer.

Can I get a "GOD ROCKS!"??

So, her Father called me this afternoon and asked if I was missing something. Such as, I dunno.. my Driver's License... or my checkbook..... or my purse...

He laughed and laughed and laughed when I told him I'd left it on top of my car and drove off.

Moral of the story?
ALWAYS ask your neighbors if they found it, before freakin out.

If none of them did, feel free to freak, and by all means, do it spastically... as I did. Complete with tears.


In other news, The earrings I thought had been lost with the purse were, in fact, merely on my nightstand instead of my dresser. Whoops...

And I am highly saddened in the midst of my ecstatic joy.

You see, a kitty died. Not George, but the little white one. The runt. I have an affinity for the runts. And I am very very sad that this little baby died. I was growing very attached to her. Makes me wanna cry.

I'll settle for pouting for a few days.

Seriously, how much worse could I look?

I have many, MANY good, valid, sensible reasons for detesting this picture. However, I will only torture you with the few most important, in order of importance:

1. I'm in it.
2. I'm in it, still
3. My fat is in it.
4. My eyes are all baggy cause I didn't sleep well the night before and it was a horrible day
5. I'm... still in it.

There is ONE reason that I like it:

- I'm wearing the necklace Gene gave me -




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