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2:45 p.m. - Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004
Quiz, and update.
This little quiz was taken off of InvisibleDon, who stole it from Shortst101 who got it from Tom-seb-jak, even tho I ALSO saw it on Loopyboi's, who got it off of Wench77 who stole it from Im2evil4u. Now, where Tom-seb-jak and Im2evil4u got it, I haven't a clue!

Whew! My God... Now for the actual quiz:

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"had certainly thought that they were living well enough" - When we touch, Shannon Drake.

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?:
My wall.

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:
A movie was on this morning when I woke up because I had left the TV on. It was called "Three Wishes for Jamie"

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:
2:50pm (Yes, I know I should be working...)

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
John Michael Montgomery crooning "I swear" - which is a song that just happens to be very special to me...

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?:
10 minutes ago I stepped out of my car to come into the office after showing a property and washing my car... if that counts... otherwise it would have to be an hour and a half ago when I left to go show a property! :o�~~

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?:
The pictures that I am editing, or maybe I should just say my buddy list, heh heh...

9: What are you wearing?:
That's none of your business! Juuuuuust kidding. I'm wearing these nifty jeans that are kinda not really jeans, and my white silky tee with my black/white chekered/plaid with red flowers shirt, and these NIFTY nifty nifty earrings that I bought on Sunday.

10: Did you dream last night?:
Yes. Yes I did. Thanks for asking.

11: When did you last laugh really hard?:
Well, first this morning when DOOFUS CALLED ME, cause that was awesome and he always makes me laugh really hard. Then just after that when I was getting dressed (shut up), I heard this line from the movie that was on (Three Wishes for Jamie):
Girl: "Why do ye men always speak of such blather!?
Jamie: "Well ye see, bein' of a poetical nature, we prefer to say things in an obscure manner, which makes things so much more clear than sayin' it vaguely in the first place!"
I CRACKED UP! Great stuff... that's my new favorite quote. And said in an Irish accent as well! GOOD STUFF!

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?:
Couple of picture frames filled with the licenses of every agent in our office and their picture, lamps, painting from a client, pictures that Michael bought for decoration... Equal Housing Opportunity Sign, TREC notice. Yeah, think that's it.

13: Seen anything weird lately?:
Does this really ugly skinny as a toothpick man with no butt at all turning around to show his enormous bowling ball gut count? And I know this sounds really bad, considering I myself am overweight... but geez. He was SKINNY. As a TOOTHPICK, and had NO butt AT ALL. Then he turns around and there's this huge round... THING... sticking out of his middle... UGH!!

14: what do you think of this quiz?:
Fun times!

15: What is the last film you saw?:
Calendar Girls

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
A house, with land. Like an acre or two. A really GOOD house. Probably buy a really old one and have it remodled for me.
But if ya wanna get technical, first thing ever I'd probably buy a few long distance calls... or breakfast!

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
I'm scared of thunder, but I love wind and rain, and I think fire and lightning is really pretty.

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
Geeezzz... I don't know!
Guess I gotta go with Don's answer here: ANYTHING! MWAHAHAHAAAA!!

19: Do you like to dance?:
When I�m alone, yep! When I'm with a bunch of girls at the house, yep! When I'm in public or around guys... heck NO.

20: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:
Erin Anwell, or maybe Victoria Lynn. Perhaps Josephine Michelle, or Katrina Dawn. There's so many choices!

21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:
heh... Aaron Anwell. Anwell is Irish and I love it. It's beautiful.

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?:
Actually.. yes. I believe I would. Ireland, Australia, or Africa.

23: are you hottt?
Nope. Well, if you mean literally, then YES! God YES! Because it's STEAMING here! See, Texas doesn't have Spring. We don't, in case you were curious when I said a few entries back, "SUMMER IS HERE!", it is! We have two basic seasons. Summer, then a brief winter. Winter is typically followed by about 2 weeks of Spring somewhere in March or late February... then SUMMER IS HERE! Good thing it's gonna rain! Actually, it did rain this morning. Was storming pretty bad, then the sun came out and all is humid once more... but rain shall once again fall!



That was kinda long, but very much fun. So... like I said up there, Doofus called me this morning!

This is odd because if Doofus ever calls me, it's usually his morning and my night. This time it was my morning and HIS night.

Actually, no that's not really true. If Doofus CALLS me, it's typically 1 or 2am my time and 3 or 4pm his time. So morning isn't all that different after all. But THIS TIME! This time it was just after I'd woken up and was getting ready to hop in the shower... 6am. So... yeah.

I had a blast talking with him, and it really made my day alot easier to handle. He does that. :o)

Hey! RadioGurl said that I'm easy to read because I "get" grammer! Woohooo! Someone noticed! ;o)

Today they said that another 4 Marines were killed at Fallujah. My prayers and deepest sympathy go to their families. I hope I'm not sending it to myself. But I know I'm not. Because I would KNOW if something happened to Nicholas. We all would. There would be no doubt, no panic. We would just know.

So I'm going to quit worrying and panicing and feeling sick every time I watch the news.

Or maybe just stop watching the news...

At the risk of ruining his reputation, DangerSpouse is a total sweetheart. And he thinks I'm adorable. Yay me!




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