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11:22 a.m. - Friday, Apr. 09, 2004
Pieces of You - Picture Perfect

Pieces of You Topic:
"If you could crawl into this painting by Thomas Kincade, and live there, how do you imagine life would be?"

Well, unlike SOME PEOPLE (I'm teasing), when I see this, the only thing that comes to mind is peace.

Days spent out in my garden, or swimming in the lake on the other side of the woods. Hanging my handmade windchimes outside my windows, or trying to get that beautiful deer to come eat out of my hand. (YES, I know there's no deer in the picture, but it's MY imagination, DARNIT!) Feeding the chickens, playing with my cats... sitting out on the porch just enjoying life.

And beautiful nights. The moon full, stars bright. A fire to stay warm. Baking cakes and breads, or knitting. Making a quilt. All those little homey things. It doesn't matter that MOST "feminist" women think those things are insulting. To me, they're wonderful ways to spend my time. Productive, and fun. Creative. And living there I'd be able to quilt to my heart's content!

But then, there's the weekends. Ah, the weekends! Friday spent goofing off down the mountain in town, passing out those cakes and breads. Selling my quilts. Then bringing everyone back to my home for a 2 day party! Music, food, laughter... a good time for all!

My life in that painting? That life, my friend, would be perfect in it's simplicity. Peaceful despite (or because of?) the hard work needed.

It just kind of bothers me that thru all that I never saw any husband or children... :o( Hm.




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