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5:08 p.m. - Friday, Mar. 12, 2004
Snot, Dumps, and Don (wow, isn't that flattering??)
Jennifer is TRULY just... one of a kind. I have yet to meet a woman who will ever compare.

Picture it. The setting: We're all sitting down in the conference room (aka my office) at THE office, about to dig in to the delicious Wendy's 99 cent jr. bacon cheeseburgers that Mom brought for lunch (seeing as how she's been griping at me lately to eat more healthy and all...). Just after Jennifer takes her first bite, with her mouth stuffed full, and as I'm about to take MY first bite....

"Man... I haven't taken a dump since I got to your place Tuesday. I mean, I've TRIED, but nothing comes out but this tiny little bit, and I KNOW there's more up there! Geez... I need to empty out my butt!!"


How do you not just adore her?


So I got a bit of a nosebleed today... Just more to add to the "obstructing my BREATHING" list.

OH! And Gosh... I had a chat with The ever so charming Invisible Don, today! Yep, yep. He's really nice. Lots of fun! Ya know, at first... I thought that the name was in reference to some Italian Mafia connection... but uh... nope. He's just... Don. And he's really shy. CALL HER!

Anyways. Jennifer's wiped out and taking a nap, and I'm doing laundry. Hope no one finds any "surprises" in thier towels...

Speaking of which, Dryer stopped!




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