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11:09 a.m. - Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004
My Fingernails, and the Consistency of Boogers
Blame the title on Mr. KnowItAll. Cause... well. Yeah. That's just hilarious!

And very very sad, because I actually COULD discuss the consistency of my boogers right now, as I have seen so very much of them, what with all the junk that seems to be exiting my nose and mouth.... and they are so very very VERY ... ... ... but that's just nasty. So I'll spare you.

Gene got a job! *does a little dance* Weeee! Except he hurts. First thing that came to my mind was the intense desire to lay him down and... *nasty minded people, aren't ya?*.... give him a back massage, and a foot rub. I'm real good at foot rubs. At least, according to Jennifer, I am.

Also, I stand corrected. He didn't KEEP asking me out. I just exaggerated a little. He only asked like twice... (Yes TWICE, love. I was there lol)

More good news! I'm feelin a bit better. No more (as DangerSpouse so eloquently put it) piles of regurgitated alfalfa! Now, It's just a mild version of a mucus pit. Aren't you SO glad you decided to read me, today?? teehee.

Jennifer's gone with her church group, and will be back Friday night. I'm still deciding whether or not I'd like to go out tonight with the conFusion group. Which will consist of Christi, Kristi, Rebecca, and myself. Ooooohh yeah, did I mention that King Phil left? Yeah. He decided that things weren't moving the way he felt they should, so he was going to leave the group and concentrate on his OTHER priorities. I was very saddened. On some level. I'll rant about it later.

Nothing remarkable about my fingernails to report, beyond the fact that I keep chewing them down to nothing.

Well, I'm gonna go make myself a cup of chicken broth and see if I can't hold that down. At least I slept last night. Thank God.




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