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8:16 p.m. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004
So.. me being the ABSOLUTE nerd that I am. I just got around to looking up "catharsis", Cause, well I didn't want to actually admit that I didn't know what it meant, because that would just be... well... dumb.

So here I was all gushing over DangerSpouse thinking that he said this REALLY great thing about me, cause, I mean..... big new word, right? Catharsis... Wow. Gotta be somethin impressive.

Yeah, see. Now I'm just wondering WHICH definition there he actually meant. The good ones, "A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit."

Or the reeeeeeeeally bad ones. That have to do with.. ya know.. I mean come ON! "the purging of the bowels"

what the HECK, Dude!?!?!

Dictionary.Com = Catharsis

~Bye~ ;o)



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