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7:21 p.m. - Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003
My short story for Christmas
Thought I'd share what I wrote for the Christmas service this coming Sunday. Please share your thoughts and let me know what you think of it! I really do need the feedback. What do I need to change? And hurry... I gotta send it in to Pastor Wes by tomorrow night... yikes...

Christmas past
Christmas present

My senses come to life slowly, as my mind awakens. The dreams I was immersed in fading, as reality emerges.

First, there�s the sensation of cold air hitting my face, causing me to crawl farther under my covers seeking the warmth found there. Next, my nose stirs, as the tantalizing aromas waft by. Cinnamon, apples, hot chocolate� and a hint of the candles that I know are lit thru-out the house.

Suddenly, my ears are attacked by the sound of stifled giggles, wrapping paper being rustled, dishes clattering. And the oh so familiar boom of �Santa�s� - �Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas!� - followed by the door banging shut.

I smile softly as my mind registers that �Santa� has left. Must be time to get up.

Opening my eyes, I'm confronted by the sight of my older sister, my big brother, grinning wildly in anticipation�. 3 inches from my face.

We jump as one. Scattering. One grabs a robe, one grabs slippers, another grabs a hair clip. We all stop a moment, savoring the warmth of the precious moment �a memory to share.

Suddenly there�s a mad scramble as we rush towards the door. Fumbling over each other, we three make our way to the breakfast table at a slower pace than if we had walked calmly, instead of trying to climb over each other and be there first. Walking calmly would take the fun out of it.

As we trip into the kitchen, there�s a moment of awkwardness as we untangle from each other and straighten up. Before us is a sight more wonderful than any could imagine. There�s Mom & Michael, standing beside the table. The table itself, so beautifully arranged, with steaming mugs of hot chocolate at every seat, and plates adorned with fresh donuts or muffins..

Stockings are overflowing in each of our chairs, and beside each setting is one smartly wrapped present, each in varying sizes.

Once again we move in unison as we attack Mom & Michael with hugs and good mornings. Wiping sleep from my eyes, I bring my chocolate to my lips, letting the steam warm me as the scent causes my stomach to growl in response. The others are ripping into their presents, proudly displaying the gift they received. As I begin to open mine, I am struck by a thought.

Is this how it was for You? Every year, celebrating the day of Your birth. Each time the memories made more and more precious as Your life pulls You to different and far away places.. And You, being fully aware of what lay waiting in Your future. Causing you to take each moment with Your family, and tuck it away, deep in your heart. Memorizing each detail somehow deeper than the year before..

I can�t help but wonder, did You sit and watch them as they celebrated? Occasionally joining in, but mostly just watching. Capturing their every expression, every action, and etching them into Your heart.

Somehow, I feel inside that this is what you felt. Some anticipation, some fear� and incredible joy in being with Your family.

Knowing that, I feel more secure in my belief in You. More steady, my faith has grown, simply by figuring out that You do indeed know how I feel. Because You felt it too. Knowing that You�re here, silently basking in the warmth of love and laughter, in the joy we share. Just being together, and celebrating You.

Happy Birthday, Jesus. Hope you got what You wanted this year. I know I did.




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