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4:03 p.m. - Wednesday, Mar. 09, 2005
That crazy weekend!
Let's see. Hm.

Technically, the weekend started on Friday. Friday was stressful. Much work, much work. But in the middle of the day, HarleyHottie stopped in because he had a little something for Becca. When he handed me that pink wool-knit cap with the "O.C. Choppers" logo emblazoned on the front, he looked REALLY chagrined, and just so sheepish... it was so cute! Anyways, he said that he felt really bad. He only bought one for Becca, because they didn't have my color. Just pink. And he couldn't see me in pink. That man is so observant that it frightens me, sometimes... seriously. He NOTICED that pink's not my color. I just so love him!

But... I left work early, because I had tons of errands to run, and we usually work at the coffeeshop on Fridays, but had this past weekend off (WOOOHOOOO!!!), so it was PARTY TIME instead. Unfortunately, on the way home I stopped at the gas station where Nicholas works... and there was some drama. Some. A smidgeon.

Apparently, a few of the ladies (and I use the term loosely) working there decided that they wanted to mess with Nicholas, and push his buttons. So she made some fairly disgusting and highly racial comments about his Girlfriend. You remember his girlfriend, don'tcha? Yeah, her. Anyways - he was fine until they brought her into it. Then he got REALLY mad and just laid into that girl. It was so bad he would not repeat what he said in the presence of Mom or Becca or I. Pretty bad.

Well, one of this girl's "posse" didn't like Nicholas defending his girlfriend's virtue, and made Nicholas aware that he'd be waiting outside the store when Nicholas got off shift.

Mom made Nicholas call the police. He's sorta sick, and didn't feel well, and would have just got his gun and shot the plick. So Nicholas talked to the police. And they talked to the boy. And it's all still hangin up in the air, and Nicholas isn't going back to work at the gas station. So that was fun, and that covers the "drama at the gas station, stress, police, and phone calls" portion of my summary yesterday! Or the day before. Whenever.

Movin on! Went home ready to crash, I was so tired, but then we started cleaning... and then we got antsy... and then we wanted to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. So we did. We went to see a movie, and HarleyHottie wanted to come, so we met up with him. We saw Hitch - and that is a FABULOUS movie. I swear, everything Will Smith touches is gold. I love that man! (Go ahead, count how many times I use that phrase in this entry. I dare you!) Good music, too...

After the movie, HarleyHottie was hungry so we hit up Taco Cabana... good Queso... The man's goofy as all get out, and drove crazy. Hence the crazy erratic driving. Always swerving, and cutting curbs and doing wacky stuff. I'm surprised he's not pulled over half the time! But all in fun. The last time we were out with him, on the way home he drove over a bridge, and instead of the usual panic I put up, I just slipped down in the seat and hid behind Becca. When he asked what was wrong, Becca told him that I don't like bridges, so he tried to be cute and jerked the wheel a couple times. I think that my bloody-murder-type scream and "OHMYGOD!" might have had an effect, cause he drives very carefully over bridges now. So sweet, really... And slept SO well Friday night. (Make that Saturday morning...)

Saturday was lots of more work. And no work at the coffeeshop! We had Nicholas and his girlfriend over for dinner. Tacos! Made from scratch! No lousy pre-packaged seasoning mix for me. Nope. I made kick-@$$ (bless me) taco meat with yummy flavor and it was SO pretty with the saute'd onions and bell peppers, and my hands still smell like garlic. And it was REALLY good. After supper we watched tv, and introduced the girl to Homestar Runner, and got very little sleep. Again.

Sunday, we'd planned to take a seperate car from Mom and Michael so that we could stay down in Waco and spend time with Art and Alyssa, but that morning we found out that The Jr. and his Lady were coming for lunch. Hm. Ruined THOSE plans. I was annoyed because it's been a very long time since I've been able to spend any real time with Alyssa, and I need my best friend. Alot. We haven't really talked in forever.

So, had a snit, got over it, and sped home from church to have lunch with them. They brought His Lady's son. Who, incidently, reminds me SO much of Josh, I kid you not! They're so much alike. Same music tastes, same speech patterns, same likes and dislikes... if I didn't know better I'd swear they were the same person. But, the kid's like 15. Josh is NOT 15.

We got to see His Lady's ring (which was GORGEOUS!), and talk about the date they set, and their plans, and all kinds of things, so I was really glad they came. Oh, yeah... Erm, The Jr. got engaged! We're Extremely excited about this. The man is almost 40 and has never in his life been in a serious relationship. And he didn't like kids. Which reminds me of Michael. Because Michael doesn't like kids. But he stuck by Mom. And made every effort to involve us in everything they did. (ok, well... almost everything... blech!) The Jr's done the same thing with His Lady's children. And they're all so sweet together. I love that guy! I'm SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!! It's awesome!

Anywhoodoodles, After we left them to their real estae/wedding discussions with Mom and Michael, Becca and I went back to Waco (even though I was so tired that the whole sleepy no wakey thing almost didn't apply), picked up Art and Alyssa, and went to see The Pacifier. So we DID get to spend time with Alyssa. Which is why my soul is so at peace now. I really needed to see her.

And Art started his own band! Y'all! SO COOL! He's the drummer, and their very first practice together, they recorded Sweet Home Alabama, and it's SO GOOD, y'all! (Because I have the sudden need to talk like Brittany Spears) They named themselves Mustard Seed, and are going to be a Christian group, and Pastor's gonna have them play at church.... So cool y'all. Art is so cool. I so love that boy!

We stuck around their house after the movie for a few... not long though. Just long enough to watch half a movie on tv with Pastor and laugh ourselves silly. (I just checked the time, and I have spent exactly one hour typing this up, and I'm still not done. Geez... how long is it gonna take you to read it? Somebody time it!) And there was so much tired on the drive home. So much tired. But also, good music! Much good music. So I made it. Yay for me!

After I was home for a while, Gene called. And I was tired. So tired. I think I fell asleep on him for a minute there. Oopsie! But, perversely, after we hung up, I couldn't sleep. At all. What I COULD do, apparently, was stay up until 2am doing laundry. Followed by getting woken up at 6. And going to work.

Sleepy. No. Wakey.


So that was my weekend in detail! Oooh, wait, I left out the part about the 17 voice mails from Mom. Yeah. Hmm.

Well, we forgot to tell Mom that we were going to a movie. And we forwarded the phones to the cell. And put the cell on silent. Pretty much the instant we left the house.

She was pretty mad. Because there was all Nicholas' drama with the police, and he left work early so as not to bump into Mr.JumpToTheRescueOfTheWrongFreakinPerson, thereby neatly avoiding confrontation, and no one could get ahold of him because he doesn't have a phone at his house, and we weren't answering our phone. And yeah. I've never heard that tone in my mother's voice before. Ok, at least, not directed at ME. It was bad.

Which is why it's surprising that I slept so well Friday night. Because I was a little worried about that. What with not getting home until 1am. And not being able to call her back. Hmmm.

Yes. There were, literally, 17 voice messages when we got home. Because we didn't check them before that.

I think my description of "CRAZY!" is apt, don't you?


P.S. Don't worry Hilly! I'll figure the comments (Meows) thing out eventually... ;o)

Have I mentioned lately that I totally love clouds? Cause I so do:



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