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5:30 a.m. - Monday, Oct. 18, 2004
HillBillyBear signed my guestbook!
Oh. My. Gosh.


I have tripped over that so much since I read it.. I've gone back to it a dozen times or more just to make sure it's still there and that I didn't dream it up or something.

And when I actually read it? OHmigosh. There is no exaggeration when I say that I laughed SO hard that I was gasping for breath as the tears cascaded down my face... and I fell out of my chair. I kid you not.

HBB.... You. Are. The MAN


I got my first computer when I was 15. Alright, technically it wasn't my computer, but that didn't matter. I helped pick it out, and when she was delivered, I took her out of the box, set her all up, plugged everything in, and I was rarin' to go.

Except we didn't have internet yet. Just the computer. So I played around on her for a week or so, getting to know her personality. Named her Sammy Jo. She's my baby.

When we did get the internet, I asked the man who came to set it up what he thought was the best place for chat rooms.

You see, I'd heard all these horrible, awful rumours that chat rooms are the source of all evil, and no good shall ever come from a chat room, and Satan lives there, and every bad person alive goes to chat rooms to take advantage of people. I just don't believe that. Never have, never will. And I wanted to prove that rumour wrong.

So, he directed me towards ICQ and I was on my way to a whole new lifestyle. I tried out alot of different rooms, but most of them were just places for angry teenagers to come, for cursing and lewdness, and public cybersex. Which might be enjoyable for Dangerspouse or Uncle Bob... but it's definitely not my cup'a tea.

Then I found this one place. #Family. And it was perfect. The people were friendly, there wasn't alot of cursing, and everyone said hi to me when I came in. So I stayed there.

In the first week I met 5 precious people, and established with most of them a friendship that will be with me for the rest of my life. Willow was one of those 5.

Through the years I've met a large group of people and had SO much fun, just goofin around, making up outrageous adventures to have with these people whom I've never seen. But, as with most groups of friends, alot of us couldn't get online at the same time anymore. Due to work, or real life, or family and whatnot - we all just drifted our own seperate ways. Until last month.

I got this email. Turns out one of our fair group got a brilliant idea to schedule a meeting for us all. Certain time, certain place - LOADS of fun!

Well... It's been goin on for nearly 5 weeks now and I still haven't made it. Dangit. But, there's this message board forum now, and everybody is catching up with each other, and just having fun. It's so great. HBB got this site off my profile there. And signed my guestbook. TEEHEE!!!

By the way, HBB is short for HillBillyBear, and he is an adorable, hilarious, AWESOME man. And he types as his accent sounds. So go see!

He just totally made my day.


For Alyssa:

One fine Sunday afternoon, somewhere abouts 2 or 3 years ago, Michael took us and Pastor & fam out to eat. Our typical haunt was Golden Corral. Don't knock it, it's great food! Plus there's a lady there who always treats us real good. Brings us extra rolls and free coffee.

Anywhoodoodles, there we were, adults on one end of the massive table, us chitlins on the other end. The place was thinning out, we'd been there awhile, so the lunch crowd was pulling out, and things were getting quiet.

Just as there was a lull in the coversation, over the whole table, Alyssa looks across to Amber and bursts out (rather loudly) with, "Hey Amber? What's an orgy?" (pronounced org*ie, not or*jie)

Amber, Rebecca and I nearly lost it. I choked, Rebecca just stared, and Amber practically lept across the table to put a hand over Alyssa's mouth and said, "SHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Alyssa had no idea what had caused that reaction, and the three of us just tried to make sure that neither the adults, nor Art, had heard that little outburst. Luckily, the adults hadn't, and Art has always been quick to adjust to the "stay out of our conversation, it's just for girls!" rule. Plus we bribed him to stay quiet.

Turns out when Alyssa was online the night before, Amber had left her messenger signed in, and a friend popped up to play around and flirt. He asked (to Amber) something about when she was gonna join him at an orgy.

He disappeared when Alyssa asked him what he meant, and told him that she wasn't Amber.

We were hard pressed to keep from laughing and drawing attention to ourselves. I know we were pretty red-faced.

Once all was explained to Alyssa... she blushed so bad.... then she laughed. And we couldn't hold it in any more. And we just laughed.

The adults were left wondering what was so funny.

Ah.... good times. Good times....


Please do not ask why that memory came to mind after writting about HBB.






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