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11:38 a.m. - Tuesday, May. 31, 2005
Hello? Are you still ALIVE!?

I'm still alive.

Alive and well.

Alive and VERY well, right at the moment.

I've been busybusybusybusybusybusybusy. It's like life just kinda opened it's massive jaws, let out a foul belch, and then swallowed me whole.

Yeah, the foul belch is in reference to the previous entry. Cause... MOST FOUL EXPERIENCE!

But, I'm updating because I just got off the phone with Doofus (DOOFUS!!!!!!!!!!!!) and he ordered me to update. And when Doofus orders, Doofus gets. It's like, required.

So, here I am. It's all good. Except the parts that suck. But even those are laced with goodness what with it meaning I'm ALIVE and have a family and friends and a life.

And isn't this just the most confusing entry ever?

HI DANGERSPOUSE!! *insane grin*


It really is REALLY all good right now, because I just spent the last 15 minutes laughing so hard I fell out of my chair and was left gasping for breath as tears streamed down my face.

Doofus rocks.

Because Doofus speaks Citrus.


The broker and owner of the real estate office here in town that just happens to be our biggest competition drew this for me when we were at a meeting/class for all the local offices. The dude is cool. Very cool.



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