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10:53 a.m. - Sunday, Feb. 22, 2004
I actually described myself! Wow...
I'm feelin awful, today. Physically, not emotionally for once. So bad I didn't make it to church this morning. This really depresses me. Which then brings in the feeling awful emotionally. YAY!


Anyway. It appears that my creative slump lasted until I wrote about it. Hohum. Weird. Still workin to get back the immense joy of writing, but that shouldn't take TOO very long. Pull more strings, Oh Great Master of My Creativeness!

Yeah, moving on. I saw this neat quiz on Findingher's journal. It was pretty awesome, and very acurate.

You can find the quiz and my results here:

My Results
The Test

Anyways, the point of that is this. I couldn't get to my results until I had signed up (which is free), and then you have to create a profile about yourself, which (and this NEVER fails) requires you to write something about yourself. Usually I just say a few short words, and tell people to ask me. This is because I do better with specific questions I can answer, rather than general opinions about my character. You really should ask my friends about my personality or character, as honestly, I just DON'T do well at describing either.

But... this odd thing happened. I wrote alot about me.

So, I thought I'd share. Again.

Don't you just feel SO lucky??

This is what I wrote:


I hate this part. They always ask you to write about yourself, but I never know what to say. I don't think about myself too much, so I prefer to let OTHERS answer this question for me. Then again, they get all mushy and over-nice about me, and that gets embarrassing, because they think more of me than I do. So nevermind.

Let's see. I'm a Realtor. Some of my hobbies include writing, photography, and computers. By computers I mean anything about them. I love to learn more about computers, both the hardware and the software. I want to be able to fix any problem with mine, and others.

Photography is a joy for me. I love to capture the beauty around me a share it with others. It empowers me, for some reason. Much the same as driving stick shift does ;o)

Poetry is a passion of mine, although I am not very educated in it. I am constantly exploring new (and old) names, writers... Right now one of my favorites is William Blake.

I collect snowglobes.

I have an online journal, because I'm more able to express myself through the anonimity of the internet than in real life.

Cats are adorable, and I love them. My family keeps giving my little knick knacks and various things with a kitty theme, and I'm ok with that.

I've been told that when I write, both prose and poetry, I am very honest in it. But to BE honest, I wish I had more talent in that area. A better, more vast vocabulary. I'd like to be interesting, Not average.

I have a crush on Peter Parker/Spiderman. Have since I was little.

People tell me I'm very funny. Witty. I'm proud of that. One of the greatest joys in my life is being able to make other people smile and laugh. When that happens, I feel I could conquer the world.

I am deeply commited to Jesus Christ, and God the Father. It's not a religion thing, it's about my relationship with Him. I love Him. It's an amazing thing, He actually DIED, a painful and humiliating death, so that I could be free. Why do we have to catagorize our belief, with such labels as "baptist", "methodist", and "lutheren"? Why can't we just Love God, and follow His Word? Yes I regularly attend and am a member of a church. It's baptist. Yes, he requires us to be members of a community such as a church. This is in order to help each other grow. I just have a major problem with all the different denominations and labels, as I said before.

He is my Provider. Comforter. Strength, Joy, Peace, Father. I live for Him. Family, life, and love comes in second.

Squirrles are my mortal enemy.

I suppose that's all I can think of right now. If you want to know more, ask me."

Feel free to look me up at I only join these things for the quizzies, I swear!!




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