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11:47 p.m. - Saturday, Feb. 21, 2004
My Mr. Big
K, DangerSpouse, it worked. I'm suddenly overflowing with things to write about. Still feels weird, but at least there's something to write.

That said, here's what's on my mind.

Caught the almost last episode of Sex and the City tonight.

All through-out this show, main character Carrie has had an on again off again relationship with a man she calls Mr. Big.

First they were friends, then they were lovers, broke up, he married someone else. Friends again. Lovers again. He divorced. She became involved with another man. Friends again.

The cycle continues. Every man she gets involved with, she finds herself comparing to Big. And she spends hours on the phone with him.

Just when she thinks she's over him, BAM. He's all she can think about.

I've just come to the dizzying conclusion that Gene is my Mr. Big.

Yeah, at this point, you say "DUH, Ditz". But give me a break. I've had so little hope for so long that there was anything left between he and I. And now... all of the sudden. It's as if there's no one else in the world but he and I. All over again.

Just when I thought I could move on... BAM. He's all I can think about.

My Mr. Big.

Another sign that I need sleep.




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