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12:56 p.m. - Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003
Oh, and...!!!!!!
My Doofus called me!!! He absolutely without a doubt just MADE my week!!

Nick, you're so awesome. I appreciate you so so much. There's nothing about you that I don't adore. NOTHING. Your kindness, your sweetness, the way you make me laugh when I wanna cry. That REALLY annoying way you have of making me tell you stuff when I say "No comment". Your openness, it makes me go all gooey inside that you're willing to share so much of yourself, of your life with me, someone so far away who can only comfort and share by giving you words. I LOVE that you are always striving to be a better person, to better yourself for the well-being of those around you.

Even the bad parts of you, which are so few that I can't think of any to name here... I adore those as well. Because they help make you WHO you are... without them, you'd be impossible.

Oh but most of all. The one thing about you that I love, adore, and cherish so very very much: is that no matter what, you always care. Doesn't matter if we're mad at each other, or if we've somehow stopped talking to each other, or managed to lose touch. You always find a way to show that you care.

You're so wonderful!!!




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