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4:48 p.m. - Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005
Tire Rotations and Shampoo
When having your tires rotated, by an automotive shop specializing in tire rotation, how is it possible for the gentleman at said shop, working on your car, to:

A: Lose the keys to your car,


B: Find said keys under the backseat. Of your car?

... ???? ....

Because, I know I always rotate my tires from the backseat of the car...


Gene called.
I am happy.
That is all.


Remember a while back, when I had my Shampoo Shopping Fiasco? We still haven't been able to get any Amway, so I'm still experimenting with "other stuff". Tried Thermasilk, and that was nice, so I stuck with it for a while, but I've gotten really tired of the scent. More of an odor, really.

Well, I ex-nayed the Thermasilk, and picked up some blackberry Herbal Essence the other day. Between that, and the SoftSoap Vanilla Brown Sugar scented bodywash... I smell like dessert. A really really good dessert.

Usually, the scented soap is something that you don't really notice on yourself, but I can SMELL this. All day. I smell the Vanilla Brown Sugar Blackberry dessert. It makes me crave cobbler. ALL DAY.

I must go buy cobbler. Fresh, steaming hot Blackberry Cobbler. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.....


Poolagirl has been nominated for the awards! Please go check her out, and maybe even vote for her. The entry really is deserving of an award.

Gumphood, also, was nominated. However, he will encourage you to vote for the other finalists. Hmmm...

Please vote! Vote here!


Speaking of voting:
Wether or not I post the short story I've been writing is up to you, my dear public. Cast your vote in my guestbook. Guestbook Numero Uno. That's Guestbook1 for those of you who don't speak "Cool". You shall find the link to the right, under the Contact section.

Thank you!

No voting after Sunday! (The 19th.)




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