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10:24 p.m. - Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004
Shampoo nightmares
I have never in my life been shopping for shampoo or body wash.

Alright, this might sound odd to you, but it's true! My brother, sister and I were raised on Amway. We'd order it up, and get it in the mail. Now yes, I love the stuff, and there's nothing better, but it is a bit pricey. And times aren't the best.

So we've finally run out of our precious shampoo and body wash. The LAST of the AMWAY shampoo and body wash.

Thus, we needed something! I mean, can't just bathe with NOTHING, right? So, my sister and I ventured into the bath products isle at Wal*Mart today. I was SHOCKED.

Literally! There were approximately 37 different BRANDS of shampoo. On top of that, there's 5-10 different 'flavors' if you will, in each brand! Fruity blends, tropical freshness, revitalizing this, moisture infusing that. My God. How do you women PICK one?

Seriously... I was stumped. I thought I'd just waltz in there, grab a bottle and be done... but no. Becca and I spent well over AN HOUR trying to pick out SOAP.

There's the Creamy Peach moisture rich VO5, or the Sun-Rippened Raspberry deep cleansing Suave Naturals. Or perhaps you lean more towards the Rose Petals revitalizing Herbal Essence? And we musn't overlook the Curl Capturing Vanilla Floral Fragrance Dove. And that's not even touching on the body washes.

I dont' know how you do it, ladies. I have so much respect for you now. I mean, were you just raised on one certain brand and head towards that one? Do you grab the cheapest/most expensive? And if you just want one particular scent... which BRAND?? It's SO confusing. I went in looking for somethin peachy and cheap and came out with a $3.00 bottle of "Fruitsations".

I shudder at the thought of going back.

Tonight, I shall be haunted by imagines of Becca pulling out her hair, screaming, "Volumizing, or Perfect for Perms!?!?!?!?!"




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