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3:35 p.m. - Saturday, May. 08, 2004
Pieces of You - I say... And You think...
POY Entry


"This weeks topic was inspired by Unconscious Mutterings, another prompt site....

Below you will find 10 words, chosen at random. With each word you will respond with the first thing that comes to mind..... But let's take it another step further, shall we...... Of the 10 words, choose one, with the corresponding response and expand on them. Perhaps your response to that word was drawn from a memory that word posed or maybe it tickled your funny bone or inspired other creative ideas. The possibilities are endless."

Peanut Butter - strawberry jelly
Insatiable - hunger
Daisies - Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
Chewed Gum - ABC!
Gang - my friends
Thunder - Lord
Monster - slime
Soda Pop - Nuh uh... it's COKE
Insecure - Me
Forest - peace

Insatiable Hunger:
K, I gotta pick Insatiable hunger to write about. When people hear that, usually the first thing that comes to mind is physical hunger. For food, water, sustanence of some kind.

That's not the case with me. When I think of hunger, Insatiable hunger, I think of knowledge. Wisdom. Power.

For myself, I have a hunger for wisdom and knowledge. I wanna know. Everything. I want to have every artist and poet at my fingertips, able to recall from memory some fragment of wisdom, some saying that could brighten my or someone elses day.

I wanna know what life was like, back when the world was ruled by passion and greed. I want to know how people think, I want to know what drives those that I love. I want to know what drives those that hurt me, and why they do hurt me. Why I let them.

I want to know all the great secrets. I want to know The Mind of God.

I want to be locked in a room filled with books that contain all this knowledge and soak it all up like a sponge.

But what I want and what I have are two very different things. Yes, I have most of that at my fingertips. I can pull it up on the internet.

But for reasons best left undisclosed, I feel very stupid. Uneducated. I feel like what I really do Know - is nothing. Nothing at all. Sometimes I have trouble remembering things. Simple things, such as who did what, who said what, what they said. Sometimes I have trouble remembering the last thing I read. Or even my own favorite quote.

So... to know. To remember. To HAVE that knowledge and wisdom... that is an insatiable hunger in me.

For others, there's power. Money. Possesions. Love. People.

One of my dearest friends never realized that the reason he's never happy is because of his insatiable hunger for love.

He goes everywhere looking for it. Sometimes, leaving the person he's dating for another, because he thinks they don't show enough love.

Yet another is on a constant search to find a new, better, faster way to make money. He usually ends up spending more than he gets.

I know of a woman who lives in town that, if her house went up in flames, she'd stay inside rather than live without all her precious possesions.

All these remind me not to let that hunger consume me. And with God's strength, it won't.


Doofus drew this whilst we were chatting in Yahoo, using the Doodle IMvironment:



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