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1:48 p.m. - Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004
A hugely long quizzie thing.

All the Questions you Never wanted to ask me:

(1) The singular most boring question: what is your name?
Heather Nicole.

(2) Are you happy with it?
Yeah, I guess. I like Nicole.

(3) Are you named after anyone?
I dunno. I don't think so. My dad chose it by taking a VOTE. Blah.

(4) Are you ready for a long survey?
I really should be working, but ok.

(5) Your screenname?
Hcatty, Kanundrum, MouseyBrown, Lynxskanundrum, and a couple others that I like to keep quiet.

(6) Would you name a child of yours after you?
No. I like unique names.

(7) Then what would you name your children?
That is to be decided between me and my spouse.

(8)If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?
Um... I dunno... ask my Mom?

(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be?
Alyssa, or maybe Lori

(10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly?
Not my real name. People are constantly messing up my screen name tho. They say "heat" not "Hcat"

(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous?
Yeah, probably. Just cause it'd be too many syllabols.


(12) Your gender:
I think it might possibly be quite obvious that I'm female.

(13) Straight/gay/bi?

(14) Single?
Not currently with someone, but not currently available.

(15) Want to be?
Hell no, I wanna be with Gene.

(16) Your birthdate?
I didn't have a date on my birthday :o�~~~~

(17) Your age?
I'm 20 now! Woohoo!

(18) Age you act?

(19) Age you wish you were?

(20) Your height?
about 5'5

(21) The color of your eyes
Brown. I almost thought you were gonna ask weight next. You are soooo lucky you didn't.

(22) Happy with it?
I guess I wouldn't go out of my way to change it, but I definitely wouldn't turn down an opportunity to get something different.

(23) The color of your hair

(24) Happy with it?
Only when I've got all my brown and gold highlites in it.

(25) Left/right/ambidextrous?
Right. Bet it's awesome to be ambidextrous!

(26) Your living arrangement?
Me and my sister. Mom just moved in with her new husband, and my brother has gone off to war.

(27) Your family
Technically or emotionally? Technically then. Mom, Sister, Brother, Step dad, Step brother, step brother, step sister-in-law, and um... Yeah, I do have a couple more sisters but they're not blood so it's not technical.

(28) Have any pets?
Every stray in the neighborhood

(29) What's your job

(30) Piercings?
Two. In the ears.

(31) Tattoos?
Nope, don't like tattoos.

(32) Obsessions?
Computers, photography, reading, snowglobes, poetry, my friends, cats, Gene...

(33) Addictions?
Computers, cats, Dr. Pepper, Cheese, Gene...

(35) Do you speak another language?

(36) Have a favorite quote?
Not so much one single favorite. There are alot that I really enjoy and appreciate. Just not one that's a single favorite.

(37) Do you have a web page?
Actually... this one, and my biz. Shhhh, you don't get to see that one.


(38) Do you live in the moment?
I try to, anyways. Altho it's not really living in the moment if you have to try.

(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?
Considering some of the friends I have, heck yeah.

(40) Do you have any secrets?

(41) Do you hate yourself?
No, I'm just not really happy with myself.

(42) Do you like your handwriting?
It's not that bad, but it could be better

(43) Do you have any bad habits?
Ok, let's see... right now I am filling out a questionaire, on a website, reading other people's diaries, during work hours, while I should be inputing properties on my website, or cleaning my house for the coming party... What do you think?

(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?
"aww, that is SO sweet" altho that gets embarrassing cause I don't want people to gush over me, I just want them to smile.

(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?
Don't have a clue. HEY! There ya go!!

(46) What's your biggest fear?
Driving off a bridge. Missing love. Etc.

(47) Can you sing?
Not really. Mom thinks I have a good voice when I try. Gene thinks I can sing. But I know the truth. I sound horrible.

(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?
Uh, no... Why would I?

(49) Are you a loner?
I need human contact.

(50) What are your number 1 priorities in life?
Family. I have a broad spectrum for my definition of family, so take that as you will. God, Family, then fun, then work.

(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Uh... Probably?? What kinda question is that??

(52) Are you a daredevil?
Nope. Not unless it's midnight and the road is empty. teehee

(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?
Yes. Too much to list here.

(54) Are you passive or aggressive?
um... I think I'm passive until you tick me off.

(55) Have you got a journal?
Both this one online, then I have several notebooks, in which I write random thoughts and/or poems, rants, prose, and daily happenings...

(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness?
My greatest strength is my heart. My greatest weakness is my heart.

(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my weight. And I am changing it. BOOYAH!

(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one. Which one would you drink of?

(59) How do you vent?
Call up my nearest and dearest (or message them) and rant. Or when it's really bad I go somewhere alone and punch an object that WON'T break my hand. *ahem*...

(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?
I honestly don't know.

(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?
Yes, many things. That comes with living. "If you look back on your life, and you don't shed a tear, wether from regret or happiness, then you haven't lived." - Ally McBeal. (or something like that anyways)

(62) Do you think life has been good so far?
My life has been amazing so far. I have loved, I have laughed, and I have grown.

(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?
Love with all my heart, forgive with all my strength, praise God with all of me.

(64) What do you like the most about your body?
The fact that it breathes.

(65) And least?
Uhm... I uh.... it's too big??

(66) Do you think you are good looking?

(67) Are you confident?

(68) What is the fictional character you're most like?
I don't know!! Ask someone else, they could tell you better than I.

(69) Do people know how you feel?
Gene reads me like an open book. Mom and Becca don't usually know exactly what I feel, until I outright tell them.... other than that. I guess there's just a few close friends who really always know.

(70) Are you perceived wrongly?


(71) Smoke?
No, smoke brings bad memories.

(72) Do drugs?
No. Sadly tho, I think I might like to try SOMETHING, just once... cause I know how goofy I get on normal meds... I'd be like.. WHACKED on drugs. Geez. Nevermind. Forget I said that cause I just changed my mind... too whacked...

(73) Read the newspaper?
Not that often. I tend to stick to the comics section

(74) Pray?
Constantly. It's called conversing with my Savior.

(75) Go to church?
About 3-5 times a week

(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?
Most of the time, unless I get a weird vibe.

(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?
Yeah. Then there's this shirt, that I keep under my pillow. Hm. Nevermind.

(78) Take walks in the rain?
Yes, I love doing that. It's so peaceful, and wonderful. Clears my head... helps me think straight.

(79) Talk to people even though you hate them?
Unless THEY AVOID ME, yes...

(80) Drive?
Driving is life's ultimate freedom!

(81) Like to drive fast?
Seen The Fast & The Furious? That's me, Baby!!


(82) Liked your voice?
Sometimes... when it gets soft enough to make Gene have a hard time breathing.

(83) Hurt yourself?
Uh.. not on purpose, no... at least not physically.

(84) Been out of the country?
My family went to Mexico when I was like... 1. I dont' remember it. Darnit.

(85) Eaten something that made other people sick?

(86) Had sex?
Not married yet.

(87) Been unfaithful?
Yes. And it was painful. I don't suggest it to anyone.

(88) Been in love?
I have loved, and I have been in love. Being in love is very much different and it never goes away. He always stays right there, tucked away in your heart. Wrapped up in memories, bringing smiles and tears at the same time.

(89) Done drugs?

(90) Gone skinny dipping?
heh heh.. yeah. heh heh heh... fun

(91) Had a medical emergency?

(92) Had a surgery?

(93) Ran away from home?

(94) Played strip poker?
Um... nope. Does sound interesting tho, doesn't it?

(95) Gotten beaten up?
Not technically

(96) Beaten someone up?
No. I would have loved the opportunity tho. He truly deserved it.

(97) Been picked on?

(98) Been on stage?
Yes, and may I say, YIKES!!

(99) Been dancing?
I've been ASKED to go out dancing, but unfortunately, I am terrified of actually going out on the dance floor and making a fool of myself.

(100) Slept outdoors?

(101) Thought about suicide?
No, it's not something I would consider. (Please Father don't make me eat those words.)

(102) Pulled an all-nighter?
Hmmm, yeah, more than a few times.

(103) If yes, what is your record?
53 hours straight.

(104) Gone one day without food?
Gone a week without food. It's called fasting.

(105) Talked on the phone all night?
Yes. And it was wonderful.

(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first?

(107) Slept all day?
Yeah, but I was heavily sedated so it wasn't my fault! :o�~~~

(108) Killed someone?
No, thank you Lord.

(109) Made out with a stranger?
No, kissing is not something I take lightly.

(110) Had sex with a stranger?
No, sex is for my husband.

(111) Thought you're going crazy?
YEP! I am crazy... whahahahaaaa!!

(112) Kissed the same sex?
Not in a sexual manner.

(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?

(114) Been betrayed?

(115) Had a dream that came true?
Yep, it really freaked me out too. I was like all... "Am I psychic!!??" But it turned out that I wasn't, cause then we lost the lottery....

(116) Broken the law?
Yep... shhhh

(117) Met a famous person?
Yeah, I have. It was kinda cool, but mostly normal.

(118) Masturbated?

(119) Masturbated with something other then your hand?
?? No... ??

(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?
Yes... *sniffle*... it was so terrible... *choke*... I still have trouble remembering... *SOOOBBB*

(121) On purpose?

(122) Had sex?

(123) With more then 1 person?
You're sick

(124) Threesome?
And obviously obsessed.

(125) Orgy?

(126) Whip cream?
Can you change the topic??

(127) Bondage?
Oh for God's Sake!!

(128) Whipped/gotten whipped?

(129) Blindfolded?

(130) Tied someone up/been tied up?

(131) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?
Thank God THAT'S over. Um, yeah I have. It was neccesary. Life & Death stuff.

(132) Stolen anything?
Yeah, but I won't say what cause I still feel guilty about it cause Becca got in trouble for it, even tho it was just little 3 cent thing...

(133) Been on radio/TV?
Nope. Must be fun tho... alotta people wanna do it.

(134) Been in a mosh-pit?
Nope, must be fun tho... alotta people wanna do it.

(135) Had a nervous breakdown?
Not yet, but it's close.

(136) Considered religious vocation?
I don't like "religion" per say... so no.

(137) Been criticized about your sexual performance?
other than lack of, no.

(138) Bungee jumped?
No. Want to tho.

(139) Had a dream that kept coming back?


(140) Shoe brand?
It varies

(141) Brand of clothing?
That also varies.

(142) Cologne/perfume?
Definitely varies. I do like Georgio tho...

(143) What are you normally wearing to school/work?
Something professional.

(144) How about parties?
Something fun and comfy.

(145) Wear hats?

(146) Judge other people by their clothing?
No. I don't like to judge. It's no fun...

(147) Wear make-up?
when the need arises.

(148) Favorite place to shop?
Probably wal-mart, sadly enough...

(149) Favorite article of clothing?
Gene's shirt. Or maybe this old stinky sweatshirt I'm wearing. Hmmm..

(150) Are you trendy?
Nope. I don't like trendy.

(151) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?


(152) Believe in life on other planets?
not really, but any thing is possible. Ya know God... He's a crazy character, that Guy...

(153) Miracles?
Life is a miracle. So yes.

(154) Astrology?
Hmmm not really. It's complicated.

(155) Magic?
Not in the pagan/wiccan/Harry Potter sense.

(156) God?
Yes, and I love Him too.

(157) Satan?
Yep, and I loathe him too.

(158) Santa?
Santa takes his orders from Jesus. It's all very hush-hush, and a really cool operation!

(159) Ghosts?
Mmm... more like spirits.

(160) Luck?
yes and no?? Seeee... too complicated.

(161) Love at first sight?

(162) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)?
Up until that point when God destroys all the bed, then yes

(163) Witches?
I know they're there, but I don't believe in them, if that makes sense.

(164) Easter bunny?
Yeah... like I'm gonna believe in a 6ft rabbit that runs around my yard leaving little brown 'surprises' for my kids to find. *snort* Not likely...

(165) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?
Yes, it is. Otherwise we wouldn't exsist.

(166) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
In a metaphorical sense. Not literally. Now if I were in IRELAND, that answer might be different.... hehehe

(167) Do you wish on stars?
I used to. Then I grew up.

Didn't we just do those?

(168) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?
Traditional? you mean that if you don't know and love God you go to Hell, and they both exsist? Then sure, yeah..

(169) Do you think God has a gender?
I think God is what God is, and when we get up there, we'll find out.

(170) Do you think that science counteracts religion?
Only when man makes it.

(171) Do you believe in organized religion?
*sigh*. Alright... I believe churches have a purpose and they are good. I DON'T believe that the world's current way of approaching "religion" is correct, no...

(172) Where do you think we go when we die?
If you loved Jesus and did your best to live by His standards, Heaven. If you didn't... Hell.


(173) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?
Yep. Some of them are very dear to me, and my heart weeps that they are living in violation of God's Word.

(174) Who is your best friend?
I knew you'd ask that. I just knew it. So I'm not going to answer. Cause I have a couple that could be considered my best friend... but I can't really choose a BEST friend. They're all so precious to me.

(175) Who's the one person that knows most about you?
It's a toss up between Becca, Gene, Mom, or 'Lyssa.

(176) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?
"Don't let your head change your heart"

(177) Your favorite inside joke?
"You owe my $15, Dimples..."

(178) Thing you're picked on most about?
Any of the only three boyfriends I've ever had.

(179) Who's your longest known friend?
That's still in touch with me? Um... Jennifer. I guess. Or maybe my Sister.

(180) Newest?

(181) Shyest?

(182 Funniest?
Doofus/Alyssa/Amber/Art/Gene/Becca. Can't pick one lol

(183) Sweetest?

(184) Closest?

(185) Weirdest?

(186) Smartest?
I dunno, actually...

(187) Ditziest?
Jennifer... I Love you Jeninifer!!

(188) Friends you miss being close to the most?

(189) Last person you talked to online?

(190) Who do you talk to most online? My Sister, or Doofus...

(191) Who are you on the phone with most?

(191) Who do you trust most?

(193) Who listens to your problems?
Alyssa, Gene, Jennifer...

(194) Who do you fight most with?
Uh... I dunno? Phillip I guess but it's not really fighting.

(195) Who's the nicest?

(196) Who's the most outgoing?

(197) Who's the best singer?
Amber & Alyssa. Hands down. They ROCK!

(198) Who's on your shit-list?
B... Keith, Hicks...

(199) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?
Yeah. Shut up

(200) Who's your second family?
Pastor & fam.

(201) Do you always feel understood?
Not always, no.

(202) Who's the loudest friend?
Jennifer & Amber. ESPECIALLY when combined!

(203) Do you trust others easily?
My trust is easily earned. Break it, and I am forever burned. Not really forever, but you get the drift.

(204) Who do you have the most in common with?
Maybe Doofus, maybe Alyssa.

(205) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in?

(206) Do your friends know you?
Most of them know me pretty well when I let them.

(207) Friend that lives farthest away?


(208) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?
More like groaning over the inevitable.

(209) Do you remember your first love?

(210) Still love him/her?
That's where it gets complicated. I told my first boyfriend that I loved him, however that's not what I really felt. I still care about him, yes. My first LOVE, whom I was in love with and currently still am... yeah.

(211) Do you consider love a mistake?

(212) What do you find romantic?
The moon, flowers. Freshly sharpened pencils. Holding my hand. Snuggling on the couch. Walking side by side.

(213) Turn-on?
Humor, personality, kindness, respect, generousity.

(214) Turn-off?
Rudeness, Crudeness, Cruelty, and fat sweaty hands.

(215) First kiss?
Sweet. And kinda funny.

(216) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?
I'd feel bad for them, and wonder how I was going to let them down easy.

(217) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?
Blind is not good.

(219) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?
Heck no, I'm too shy.

(219) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?
Hmm... I guess so, but I found them physically attractive even tho others didn't.

(220) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?
I've been told they do, however I disagree.

(221) What is best thing about the opposite sex?
Hair and scent.

(222) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?
Crude at times, irresponsible... immature.... *sigh*

(223) Do you read porn?
No. But shouldn't the question be WATCH porn? Cause you can't actually read a picture... can you?

(224) Read the articles?
Ah, I get it now. No. Don't open the magazine or whatnot.

(225) Just the pics?
refer to the above question

(226) What's the best present someone gave you?
Spiderman the movie

(227) Are you in love?

(228) Do you consider your significant other hot?
He's not my significant other right now, but yes. He's dang good lookin and I am constantly amazed that he even glanced twice at me.

(229) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?
Look twice. Then move on.


(230) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender?
Yeah, I actually have. Might be interesting.

(231) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do?
Uhm... I really don't know?? Explore the possibilties?

(232) What do you love most about the other gender?
You already asked that. Hair and scent

(233) What do you dislike most?
Again... you ALREADY asked that!! They have some disadvantageous personality drawbacks.

(234) What do you understand least about the opposite sex?
The need to constantly collect toys/radio junk/car junk/cars that ARE junk

(235) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex?
Hair, eyes... smile.


(236) What is your fave possession?
Um... There are quite a few things I treasure. An earring from B. A shirt from Gene. A picture from S, socks from ALyssa...

(237) What physical, tangible possession do you want most?
A wedding ring, gained from awedding, to a guy.. whom I love. *ahem*

(238) How badly do you want it?
I'm basically desperate, but I will wait... because I HAVE to... grrr

(239) Have you ever seen The Exorcist?
No, and no, I don't want to.

(240) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section?
sadly, too long.


(241) That haunted you?
I'm lucky. No one haunts me. Teehee.

(242) You wanted to kill?
I don't want to kill anyone. Punch yes. Kill no.

(243) That you laughed at?
Phillip (not Fusion guy... someone else). He jumped out of a moving truck to impress some girl and mangled his arm. Reeeeal intelligent there, dude. So much for baseball.

(244) That laughed at you?
Probably B.

(245) That turned you on?

(246) You went shopping with?

(247) That broke your heart?

(248) That disappointed you?
It's a toss up between Gene and myself.

(249) That asked you out?

(250) That made you cry?
I am about to stop answering these because they are depressing!! Gene!

(251) That brightened up your day?

(252) That you thought about?
Gene. Gee... wonder why HE came to mind...

(253 You saw a movie with?
Phil, Christi, Becca...

(254) You talked to on the phone?

(255) You talked to through IM/ICQ?

(256) You saw?

(295) You lost?

(257) You went head over heels for?

(258) You thought was completely N-U-T-S?

(259) You wanted to be?
Gene's current interest.

(260) You told to fuck off?
B, but only in my fantasies.

(261) You trusted?

(262) You turned down?
*sigh*... Gene...


(263) Smiled?
earlier today.

(264) Laughed?
Earlier today

(265) Cried?
Just a minute ago, answer those stupid questions, you jerk.

(266) Bought something?
Yesterday. Norah Jones "Come away with me" CD from Wal-mart

(267) Danced?
Like, with someone? Never. By myself? bout 30 mins ago when this really cool song came on.

(268) Were sarcastic?
read back a few... maybe you'll find it.

(269) Kissed someone?
*sigh* too long.

(270) Talked to an ex?
.... bout a month or two.

(271) Watched your fave movie?
The other night as my current fav movie is Tap with Gregory Hines.

(272) Had a nightmare?
last night

(273) Talked on the phone?
Bout 15-20 mins ago.

(274) Listened to the radio?
Am doing so right now

(275) Watched TV?
Last night

(276) Went out?
Last night with Mom and Michael

(277) Helped someone?
Today. I do so every day at work

(278) Were mean?
I don't know!? Was I mean!?! I don't like to be mean!!!

(279) Sang?
Any time I'm alone... *ahem*... like uhm... right now...

(280) Saw a movie?
Tap, just the other day.

(281) Said "I love you"?
3 nights ago.

(282) Missed someone?
right now.

(283) Fought with a family member?
This morning but it wasn't really a fight. More like a disruptive discussion.

(284) Fought with a friend?
Long long long time ago. Don't like fighting with friends.

(285) Had a serious conversation?
This morning

(286) Smoked weed?
Haven't. Ever.

(287) Got drunk?
erm... last year.

(288) Had sex?
Ok, if you need that clarified one more time, then you are truly a dense idiot.


(289) Last book you read:
Hot Ice - Nora Roberts.

(290) Last movie you saw:

(291) Last song you heard: "Falls on me" don't know the band

(292) Last thing you had to drink:

(293) Last time you showered:
Whoops. Day before yesterday.

(294) Last thing you ate:
Burger from Sonic. Shhhhhhhh!

(295) Last CD you bought:
Norah Jones, "Come away with my" CD ... you already asked that.

(296) Last thing you bought:
Refer to the previous question.


(297) What are you going to do?
Finish this and get the living room dusted.

(298) Will it be with your significant other?
My significant other isn't really a significant other right now, besides which, he's in California, I'm in Texas. Do the math. And quit asking questions about him. Nerd.

(299) Or some random person?
K... so, are you saying that I need some random person to help me dust??

(300) What are you wearing right now?
Old stinky sweatshirt, jeans, socks, tennies.

(301) Body-part you're touching right now?
Um... I'm biting my lip???

(302) What are you worried about right now?
Getting the house cleaned for my Super-Bowl Party, getting some listings into the website.

(303) What book are you reading?
SEVERAL. Selected poems of William Blake, "Photographing Wild Birds", Love Poems of Lord Byron... the list goes on. I read too many books all at once. Which I get from my MOTHER.

(304) What's on your mouse pad?
don't have one, they get in the way.

(305) Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling?
Lonely, Panic'd, tired, wishful, like dancing. (Yeah I know, that last one is two words. WHATEVER!!

(306) Are you bored?
I wasn't until you mentioned it...

(307) Are you tired?
see #305

(308) Are you talking to anyone online?

(309) Are you talking to anyone on the phone?

(310) Are you lonely or content?
Lonely. & Content with what I've got. Until I get lonely.

(311) Are you listening to music?
Yep. Radio. Right now, "Complicated" - Avril Lavigne


(312) Do you laugh when you hear the number 69?
No, I don't. And I don't typically give it a sexual connotation until someone else brings it up, so why DID you bring that up? Nerd.

(313) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question?
No, you nerd.

(314) Do you actually know your social security number?
Yes but you can't have it.

(315) Do you actually know your IP address?
Not yet!

(316) Do you know what an IP address is?
teehee. Michael gave me the answer. He said it's like "Internet Protocol address or something?"

(317) Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code?
Yep, but you can't have that either.

(318) Have you ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives?
Nope. I like numbers.

(319) Does your head hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc?
Nope, see previous question.

(320) What do you think of pi? 3.14?
Huh?? I think referr to the previous question.

(321) Have you got a fave number?

(322) How many rings before you take the phone?
Professionality requires no more than 2 rings. Professionality. I do believe that belongs in the Willow Dictionary!

(323) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
Hmmm... Actually I type with my fingers in the general area of the correct keys. They go where ever the letter needed is. Ha! Just be glad I didn't go with my first answer. "No, My fingers are on the left keys."

(324) How many CD's do you have?
upwards of 35. Or somethin like that.


(325) Mac or PC?
I have never used a Mac, so I gotta say PC

(326) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer as long as it works?
My baby!? My baby is precious to me! I know I said my computer crashed and all, but that wasn't My Baby. That was the computer at the office. My Baby sits in Mom's office, and My Baby runs smoothly and My Baby is PRECIOUS. First computer I ever had.

(327) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversations?
Yes, I actually do. Hm.

(328) Do you find you're different talking more through IMs than face-to-face or telephone?
Heck yeah... I get seriously quiet in person, unless of course you're one of my 8 year friends, and I know you better than myself, in which case watch out cause the nuttiness WILL attack

(329) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later?
No, not really. Only ever done ebay for other people... never bid on anything myself...

(330) How much time do you spend online each week?
Far too much considering my JOB requires that I be online, but if you mean for fun, then yeah... far TOO much.

(331) Is the internet one of the modern things you could never live without?

(332) Do you even receive snail mail letters anymore?
Nope. I've gotten a few cards from my sister.

(333) Send any?
Yeah, right now I'm try finish and send a couple to Doofus, to my Sister, to Gene... my pen pal buddies in the military. Etc. Snail mail is good! It makes you feel special.

(334) What's your fave smiley?
;o) or :o�~~~~

(335) If you could meet anyone in the world, living or not, who would it be?
Meet as in get to know, or meet face to face? Face to face it's a tie between My Sister and my Doofus. Get to know... Get to know, probably Johnny Depp. He just seems fun.

(336) Who is your idol?

(337) What band has the funniest name?
Skillet ... or maybe The Platters?





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