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10:18 p.m. - Friday, Dec. 19, 2003
Ok, today was just sorta... great. Really really great. On some level. Mostly... until it got un-great...

ANYWAYS!! First off! K, Wednesday night I took my story to Pastor Wes so he could read it and figure out how to line the service up cause there's other people with their contributions that he asked them for. Well, he started skimming over it... and then after a couple seconds he started reading a little more... and at the last third of it, he was reading every little detail. THAT just made me feel so good. The fact that he planned to skim over it and instead it grabbed his attention and made him read it thru to the end.

And THEN he said that he LIKED it. He REALLY liked it!! He said, and I quote:

"This is really good. I REALLY like this! Really!"

I was psyched!

Then today... I Had my first closing!! That's right people, I Had a paycheck!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! And it's looking like there's about three more in the works.

On top of all that, a publisher sent me a letter about printing one of my poems, and adding it to some kinda CD thing, where people read it out loud...?? That was Awesome!

HOW could this possibly get ANY better, you ask??

I'll tell you. It could get better with Michael NOT needing a QUADRUPLE dypass on Monday, and needing to stay in the hospital thru New Year's....

It could get better if Gene actually kept in touch with me....

But I'm not gonna get all negative here, Cause I just don't like negative. It's no fun. SO be POSITIVE!!

Michael's gonna be JUST fine cause he's going to a hospital that is WONDERFUL and has VERY high standards, that hasn't let us down yet!

And Gene... well... he's just... busy... I guess... grr...

ANYWAYS! So yeah... I think I'm gonna celebrate the money in my pocket, and go buy some Christmas presents!!

Cause... we didn't plan on Christmas... what with spending it in the Hospital with Michael... I REFUSE to be depressed...




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