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11:43 p.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003
Just catching up on the last couple days
Went to church tonight. Alyssa wasn't there :o( but that's ok. She was there Sunday. Before Sunday it'd been over 2 weeks since I'd seen her, and I was going thru some MAJOR 'Lyssa withdrawls.

When we got to church on Sunday, I walked in and Alyssa saw me, and she ran up and just hugged me. Neither of us said a word for the longest time, just hugged. Couldn't have been more perfect, I had so missed her. Then we got to take her home with us, and I spent the whole day hangin out with her. It was awesome. Just what I needed.

Monday was her Christmas Choir Concert. She looked so Beautiful!! And sang wonderfull... The whole concert was amazing. Those are just high school kids, and they've got so much talent. it amazes me.

Anyways... so, tonight at church, one of the girls, April, asks me if Mom and Dad were there. My Mom and Dad. It so caught me off-guard! I've got a "Mom and Dad" now... instead of "Mom" or "Mom and Michael"... guess I haven't adjusted yet.

Hmmm what else. OH!! Art's got his very first concert on the 15th. I can't wait! I'm so proud of him, he's in the orchestra (he plays Bass) and he does football, and baseball.... and he's REALLY good at all of it. It's like God took all this incredible talent and stuffed it all into one family. And they're my best friends. teehee... yay.




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