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3:58 p.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003
A \"little\" survey
Let's see if I can get all this straight lol. I got this off of AngelMum, who got it off of TreeWillow, who got it off of Me-Undaunted, but I don't know where me-undaunted got it, cause that's a locked diary lol Anyways, I was feeling left out... so I decided to jump on the survey train... Here ya go!

Christmas survey

About the TREE:

1. When do you put up the Christmas tree:

well, we don't typically HAVE a tree, cause they get in the way, but when we do, it usally goes up about 2 weeks or so before Christmas. This year it was about 4 days before.

2. Real or Fake:

Fake, recently. My stepfather who died used to always do a tree, and his were real.

3. Use Lights:

yes, I like the white twinkle lights, those are so pretty! mix in a few of the multi-colored strands, and it's so cute!

4. Garland:

Nope, not on the tree. It'd make the thing fall over. Sometimes strands of sparkly beads tho.

5. Theme or no theme:

No theme

6. What kind of topper:

sometimes a bow, sometimes nothing. it's different every time we use a tree. IF we use a tree. This year, a cute lil USMC dress blues cover (that's the hat) ornament.

7. What's your favorite ornament:

Um... Can't say I have one single favorite. I like the crystal ones we have, then there's the little porcaline stars and such... I like the delicate ones I guess.

8. What does your tree skirt look like:

Whatever material we happen to cut it out of that particular year

9. Where do you put your tree:

where ever it happens to fit, as we're always rearranging our furniture (My mom does that too, Angelmummy) lol

10.Who decorates the tree:

It's a contest really. Whoever got it to stand up straight gets to put on the first decoration. Then we all chip in. Our tree NEVER stands up straight. It's about 3 feet tall, and the stand is broken.

11.What's "under" the tree:

At the moment, there's no tree. If there was, there'd be nothing under it. When there is, you'd find some presents and some pretties.

12.Do you put candy canes on your tree:

Tried that one year. But we kept having visitors, and the candy canes would mysteriously disappear... so. Hm, yeah, not no more.

About the FOODS:

1. What's your favorite Christmas cookie:

Um... it'd have to be the peanut butter cookies we make....

2. Do you bake cookies and give them away:

yep. It's fun!

3. Any "special" foods or candy that you only have at Christmas time:

(PICKLED EGGS!?!?!? EWWW!!) we make peanut butter balls, chocolate dipped pretzels, peanut butter cookies, cranberry relish... I know there's more I just can't think of it lol

4. What do you eat on Christmas EVE:

just whatever we grab, usually. we typically spend Christmas Eve sittin around the living room putting together a puzzel, which wound have been one of the presents we opened (we open ONE each on Christmas Eve, which is typically a puzzel) and hang around til Mom kicks us off to bed so "Santa" can come... personally, I think Santa looks alot like Mommy....

5. What do you eat on Christmas Day:

depends on the mood or guests lol ham, turkey, green bean casserole (It just ISN'T the holidays without green bean casserole!), sweet potatoes, rolls, etc...

6. Do you like Eggnog:

I like it the way my Mom makes it!!

7. Do you like candy canes:

The green ones, sometimes the multi-colored ones.


1. Where do you hang your stockings: the stockings stay by the tree until Christmas morning, when we find them mysteriously filled overnight, and sitting at our chairs at the breakfast table.

2. Do you put lights on your house:

Yes, the white twinklies, and they're all wrapped around our porch, and since we have a lot of stairs down to the ground from the porch, they're around the railing, and there's a garland around the rail, with a big red bow at the bottom.

3. Got any outside lawn decorations:

Nope. I am afraid of those big snowmen. And the santa's. I think they're going to come to life and eat me.

4. Do you put up a nativity:

Not a big one, and not outside. We have this beautiful little crystal set, that we set up on a black cloth, with twinkle lights inside the figures, and potpourrie sprinkled around, so it looks and smells really pretty. (YES, this is a woman's house)

5. Do you hang mistletoe under the door:

when we can find some, we hang mistletoe anywhere we can! Not that there's anyone around to KISS.... gee, now I'm depressed. THANKS.

6. Got a wreath on your front door:

yes. It's big and pretty, and there's an angel hanging in the middle of it

7. How long does it take you to decorate:

Sometimes hours, sometimes days, sometimes a week.... what's your point?

About the MOVIES / SHOWS:

1. Favorite Children's Christmas TV show/cartoon: um.... used to be Charlie Brown... Now, I guess it's that movie about the Kid who wanted that beebee rifle... with the glasses... who gets his tongue stuck to that pole. Oh come on! You KNOW the one I'm talkin about! They play a marathon of it EVERY year from Christmas Eve to Dec. 26th!!!

2. Which is best Wonderful Life / Miracle on 34th Street / A Christmas Carol (Scrooge):

A Christmas Carol. I get bored halfway thru Miracle, and Wonderful Life is SO cliche... (not really lol I just like Scrooge better)

3. Favorite Christmas movie: I TOLD you already! that one movie about the kid!!

4. Have you ever seen the Nutcracker Suite Ballet live:

Not live. Oh my gosh I want to... it's so beautiful...

5. Ever been to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas show:

No... getting even more depressed now...

6. Ever gone to the movies on Christmas Day:


7. Did you know it's the biggest day of the box-office:

It SHOULDN'T BE OPEN. People should be AT HOME, spending time with LOVED ONES, not WORKING because those LOVED ONES, wanna see some MOVIES. It's called RENTING. The day BEFORE. TRY IT. and no, I didn't.


1. Favorite Christmas book or story: Christmas Carol

2. Do you stuff your stockings with any types of food:

Mom stuffs em with chocolates, nuts, an orange, and an apple. OOPS! I mean, "Santa" stuffs them.

3. Do you go to church on Christmas or Christmas Eve:

Not that I remember. GOD this is LONG! Will it never END!!??

4. Have you ever gone Caroling:

YES! It's so fun!!!!

5. Favorite Christmas Carol:

At the moment for some reason it's God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

6. Do you "believe" in Santa:

Naturally. Santa works for Jesus. Santa tells Jesus what all the little girls and boys want, and if they've been good in their hearts, and Jesus tells the Mom's and Dad's what the children want, and then everybody gets what they want and they're happy!

7. Do you leave Santa cookies:

I used too... but I think maybe his cholestoral levels are pretty high right now, so I don't anymore.

8. What about Rudolph...leave him anything:

Ummmmmm no. Was I supposed to?

9. What was your best Christmas gift:

pictures Gene gave me. Last year.

10. What was the worst/most odd gift:

Um... can't remember. guess it wasn't really that bad.

11. Do you go to a "work" Christmas party: Nope

12. Do you hate going:

Um... no... ???

13.Do you send Christmas cards (handmade or bought): Sometimes.

14.When do you start shopping:

whenever the urge strikes me.

15.Do you shop on Black Friday:

I don't know what Black Friday IS, so why should I not shop on that day??

Oh my GOSH it's OVER!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!




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