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2:15 p.m. - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
Survey Maddness!
So, I was reading thru InvisibleDon's archives, and found this REALLY REALLY REALLY old entry, that was a questionaire thingy that he stole off someone else, so I figure I could do that to. Why not, right? He stole it off of Lobo21.

I'm gonna add stuff from the other 18 survey's that I have saved in my emails... YES I save the survey's. It is now known that I AM, in fact, a DORK.

1.What time is it? 12:50pm. I'm takin a break at work.

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Last, First, Middle

3. Nickname? Sheesh, it's gonna take forever to list them all. Hcatty, MouseyBrown, Kanundrum, Sidekick, Sparky, Gorgeous, Doofus, 'Sweetie', Beautiful, Innamorata, DORK, Nerd, Snot, Lil' *hit, Heatew, Tweedle Dumm, Goofball, Twerp, Sis.

4. Parents names? Mom, Dad

5.Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? Didn't have a cake, but I turned 19

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? January 3

7. Pets? Every stray in the neighborhood.

8. Eye color? Brown

9. Hair color? Brown with alot of golden and blonde highlites

10. Piercing? one in each ear.

11. Tattoos? Nope, hate tattoos.

12. How much do you love your job? at times, not at all. Other times, I love it, it's a blast.

13. Best gift you've received? It's pathetic. Really really is. But earrings. Cheap, $2 earrings. but see, they were my favorite pair. I was hanging out with my then boyfriend on his lunch break, and one of them broke. He all the sudden says he's got some errands to run and he'll be right back. Gets back and hands me the exact same earrings to replace the one that broke, that he went and bought. *sigh*... Why's he have to be such a jerk now?

14. Hometown? Hicksville

15. Current Residence? Hicksville

16. Been in love? Yes. no elaboration

17. Been to Africa? Nope

18. Been toilet papering? Nope.

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes. Again with the 'no elaboration'.

20. Been in a car accident? Yep! my most favoritest one is the one where we were going to the lake, and the road there is real winding, right? Well, the wheel got jammed in the middle of a turn and Mom just smashes straight into a tree. I was sittin in the middle up front, so NATURALLY, the dash board like slices my knee in half. To this day I have a phobia about my knees getting to close to ANY dashboards. If possible, I just sit in back!

21. Croutons or bacon bits? both! But croutons are just YUMMY! Specially at Outback Steakhouse. I don't know what they do, but oh my goodness... mmm.. I'm drooling just thinkin about them.

22. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.

23. Favorite Movie? I have way too many favorite movies to even attempt to list them all here. Geez. Ever After, Count of Monte Cristo, Armeggedon(sp), Clueless, Three Musketeers, America's Sweetheart, Pretty Woman, All 4 Lethal Weapons, Braveheart, The Patriot(*sob* so sad!), Pearl Harbor, Brown Sugar, Save the Last Dance, ... etc, etc, etc...

24. Favorite Holiday? like... ever? Um, well, it's more like a local thing here in my town, but Pioneer Days. It's all weekend, and there's parades and a fair and a streetdance and it's just all around fun!

25. Favorite day of the week? Friday.

26. Favorite word or phrase? word: Anyways or Ciao, phrase: FREEEE WILLYYYY!!!!

27. Favorite Toothpaste? Amway: Glister. It's cool! very Minty!

28. Favorite Restaurant? Hmmm... toss up between the Olive Garden & Outback Steakhouse.

29. Favorite Flower? Magnolia Blossoms

30. Favorite Drink? hot Chocolate

31. Favorite sport to watch on T.V.? Soccer or Hockey

32. Preferred type of ice cream? Vanilla or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Elmooooo! He's just so cute! lol

34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Warner Bros.

35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? hmm... Use to be Taco Bell & Wendy's but Jack-In-The-Box is winning me over.

36. When was your last hospital visit? Um... as in, for my own medical needs or what? That would have been about 4 or 5 years ago when they gave me a VERY un-needed pregnancy test without informing my mother, AND made her pay for it... oh that just ticked us all off.
But in general... 2 years ago, somewhere's around August. Visiting my grandmother.

37. What color is your bedroom carpet? I can't tell anymore, I think it use to be Blue, but now it's this dark grayish-greenish color? blah.

38. How many times did you fail your permit or drivers test? Once :o�~~

39. Who is the last person you got mail from before this? I stole this from InvisibleDon, but the last email I got was from TreeWillow.

40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope, they never caught me... *cough* I mean... uh... Nope! sweet innocent little angelic me?! Never!

41. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? The nearest music store

42. What do you do most often when you are bored? read a book, blast my radio, or fiddle with my computer. Although, being a Realtor, I don't really get all that much time to be bored... lucky me.

43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest from you? Hmmm.. Gotta say Doofus. He lives in Australia.

44. Most annoying thing? the phrase "Good to go" it's just SO annoying and I hear it ALL the time, cause my brother's a Marine, and all his Marine buddies say it and all the people where he works say it and now my whole FAMILY says it and UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

45. Bedtime? well, last night, it was 11pm. Night before, 3am.

46. Who will respond the quickest? Pointless question!

47 Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Another pointless question!

48. Favorite all-time TV show? Um.. Stargate SG-1.

49. Last person you went out to dinner with? Jenn.

50. Last Movie you saw? TV or Theatre? TV: Save the Last Dance. Theatre: Intolerable Cruelty

51. Favorite Music? Any and all. Oh, but NOT heavy metal OR marilyn manson.

52. What CD is in your player right this second? Nothing. oi... need some tunes.

53.What is your deepest fear? I don't really feel like thinkin about that right now. So blah.

54.What's the best bed you've ever slept in? Mom's

55. What never fails to relax you? Driving aimlessly with the windows down and the music blasting

54. What song, book or movie never fails to reduce you to a blubbering mound of Kleenex? Song: You, sung by my friend Robert and his band Unseen, Book: The Bible, Movie: Armeggedon(sp)

56. What would you do if you were brave and knew you wouldn't fail? Stand up for myself occasionally

57. Do you hold a grudge or do you forgive? Why? Mostly I forgive. Occasionally I hold a grudge. I'm workin on that tho. Why? Because, I prefer to forgive, it's more fun and you're happier that way.

58. If you could change one thing that you did today, what would you change? Why? Bring food to the office. Because we're FOODLESS and I'm STARVING

59. What is the most vibrant or significant memory you had from your elementary school years? being chased around the playground by Joey Hanahosa, I don't really know WHY that's so vibrant in my mind other than that boy was BIG. Like 6' even in 3rd grade.

59. What one talent or skill would you love to be able to have or do that you know you likely will never be able to master in this life? Singing

60. Was high school a painful process for you or the best time of your life?

Best time of my life

61.Who would you pick to play you in a movie based on your life? I wouldn't pick anyone. I wouldn't want a movie made of my life.

62. If you could go back to your younger self and tell him/her something that you wish you'd known back then, what would you say? How old is that younger self?

Stay away from Brent. that younger self is 18.

63. If you could choose to be a character in a book, who would you choose? Ummmmm... Julie Mathis

64. Would you rather cheat on your significant other or have them cheat on you? Why? Neither. Ever. At all. Pain pain pain.

65. When looking back on your life, who is the one person that you weren't close to that you wish you had become better friends with? Uh, I guess Joey. Hanahosa. From up there. That previous question.

66. What fictional character would you most like to have as a co-worker? Why? Spider-Man. Cause I have a HUGE crush on him, and goin web-slingin would just ROCK!

67.If you created a Rock and Roll band, what would your band be called and what would you play? Flavor, and the drums. I LOVE the drums. That and I can't sing, so ya know...

68. What has been your best job? Your worst job? Best job: Realtor. Worst job: Realtor.

69. What is your greatest regret? Why? Breaking up with Gene, and that's kinda personal, so I'll leave it with, because I love him.

70. If you could suddenly have some sort of superpower, what would you choose? Why?

teleportation - I could go anywhere I wanted to go, at any time I wanted to go there.

71. What one food do you eat that makes people look at you like you have a third eyeball? Guloush lol

72. What Bugs Bunny cartoon ability would you find to be the most useful in real life? that thing he does with his ears when they pop out of the hole and snatch up carrots like they're fingers.

73.If you could be anyone, or anything on Earth who or what would it be? a Jaguar. OR maybe a panther.

74. Ever been to Europe? Nope! but man, that'd be fun!

75. Ever been to Asia? Nope! Don't really wanna...

76. Ever been to South America? Nope! but yeah, that'd probably be fun.

77. Ever been to Australia? No, but definitely am going someday.

78. Ever been to Antarctica? Um, no.

79. Ever been to North America? Yeah, I kinda live here.

80. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? Right now, California. That's where Gene is.

81. Favorite Relative: My cousin, Zachary. Love you Zac!!!

82. What do you like most about the opposite sex? Their hair. I loooooove hair.

83. Favorite concert you've ever been to? Unseen! You rock, Robby!

84. Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: Here without You - Three Doors Down.

85. Do you eat pizza with your fingers or with a fork? FINGERS!! Forks are for wussies.

86. If you could do anything to the person you hated the most, what would you do? Nothing.

87. Ever had an imaginary friend? No, but I talk to myself regularly if that counts...

88. Ever had a crush on your teacher? No they were all female...

89. Ever thought an animated character was cute? Yesssss I told you, I have SUCH a crush on Spider-man...

90. Who would you hate to be left in a room with? Keith C. ... ugh...

Alrighty, I think that'll do. I've got tons more but I am TIRED of typing! otay, later cats!




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