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2:32 p.m. - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
Fritos Brownies Ice Cream!
Otay, ya'll need to go read loopyboi's diary, cause he just Rocks. I mean really. He's probably gonna get tired of me, too, cause I haven't quit saying thank you lol.

I signed his guestbook, and signed up for my own, only to find out that I had to pay a fee before anyone could sign mine. Well, I don't have a credit card lol so I couldn't fix that. Anyways, I got a message yesterday from Jamie (loopyboi) saying thanks for signing his guestbook, and that HE had payed my fee. Awwwwwwww! How sweet is that?? That's just too cool! I'm like, his biggest fan, now! lol

Plus, he's really funny. :o) ;o)

Anyways, on to my life. This weekend was really cool. Saturday we went to see my friend Robert's band Unseen in Cleburne, at this Christian Fine Arts Center. It was beyond awesome. There was another band there, and this little group that juggles to techno music, THAT was completely fun. It was so great to see Robby and Kara and Linda and everyone again. I kinda grew up with them, except we moved away when I was like... 3? maybe? I dunno. The mom's were always really close, and now I'm getting to know them all over again as new people. Such a contrast, old friends, but new personalities. Anyways... we got home about 1am or so, and I called Nick, my Doofus, (who lives in Australia) so that was just AWESOME! I haven't talked to him on the phone in too long, and I really missed him. He made me laugh so hard, and I was trying to be quiet, so I made some REALLY stupid funky noises, and on top of that, I SNORTED. talk about embarrassing...

Anyways, moving on.

Sunday I brought my 'Lyssa home, and Jenn cut her hair, and we hung out and had an all around blast. :o) We made Frito pies at Jen's place because we couldn't think of anything else and all she had was chili cheese and chips. So, INSTANT MEAL! lol Then of course, we went to the store and bought some stuff for brownies and ice cream. Yum, yum YUM!

And I saw my brother, too! Which is rediculous to get excite about cause he lives like 2 minutes away, but STILL! Anyways, I had stopped in at Tangles (that's where Jennifer cuts hair) to say hi, and turns out Nick was hangin out with her for lunch (cause they're sorta seein each other now *awww*) And so.. yeah. I got to see my brother lol.

I'm such a dork tho. It makes me feel all nice and fuzzy inside to bump into him around town and stuff. He's lived away for SO long... I guess I missed him. It's really nice to have him Home. And he's a Marine to boot! So... very cool lol






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