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8:52 a.m. - Monday, Feb. 11, 2008
Godzilla tans?

The salon has just... taken off. Completely left the ground. It's INSANITY!

Suffice it to say, the salon's doing well. And keeping Rebecca and I extremely OMGicantbreatheisitoveryet busy. Yayness!

So all week, we're swamped between the salon and the real estate office, and barely have time to remember to wear shoes. True story. Teehee. Anywhoodoodles... Sunday is our only day off. When we're not totally sleeping the entire day away, we're being sucked into Matthew's world of Madness and YouTube.

He's created a comedy channel. On Starring himself, his friend, Rebecca, and ME. Then he's required each of us to create a video introducing ourselves. And post them.

Except I'M the only one who's done it! ARGH!

So, here ya go. A little video fun:
OMGItzGodzilla Productions



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