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1:53 p.m. - Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004
Be safe, Sleep with a Marine!
I was going to just skip updating here today, but then I saw DangerSpouse's new comments about me... and well... I just couldn't deprive the man of more of me. Teehee.

I'm going to post the Pioneers Day pictures here - but it's just an exact copy of this page right now, so don't look.

Speaking of pictures, I have TONS of them from my brother's visit and our county's republican annual bar-b-que. Man... when they do bar-b-que.... they really do bar-b-que. Or maybe I just like typing bar-b-que. Bar-b-que.

We picked Nicholas up from the airport last Wednesday and it was so neat to see all the families there to support the other guys. So many people - I mean entire families - waving flags and applauding, hollaring encouragement to every guy that got off the plane. Even tho only half of them were Marine's returning from Iraq....

Anywhoodoodles. We found Nicholas and another Marine that we'd befriended before they left. His Gunnery Sargeant. We'll just call him Gunny. Right, well, ran into Gunny's family before we found Nicholas and started catching up. By the time we got all of Nicholas' luggage (aka seabags) together and got to our car, we'd somehow decided to take Gunny & fam to dinner with us.

Ooooh the car. The car was AWESOME. Growing up, Mother was one of those parents that never let's you put Anything on the car or window. Anything. Not even a finger. Nothin. So, when Mrs. Gunny came over with colored shoe polish and said, "Hey! We need to write all over your car!" I was more than a little shocked, nay, appalled! that my mother grinned and replied, "Can I help?"

We ended up writing "Honk to thank my Marine!" on the rear windsheild, "Welcome home, ooh rah!" on the passenger windows with a ribbon and Nicholas' name, "Single & Looking & Rich" on the passenger portion of the front windsheild as that's where Nicholas was sitting, and last but most certainly not least: "Save water - Shower with a Marine" on the driver side windows. There was also various small phrases such as "Semper Fi" thrown in here and there.

We got honked at so much on the way home. It was GREAT! It was also great that Gunny is smart, hilariously funny, and looks as good as sin.

But moving on.

Having Nicholas home was so much fun. It was almost as if nothing changed, except every now and then, he'd get this serious look in his eyes and walk outside for a few minutes. He had a lot of great and funny stories to tell us, but there were just as many gut wrenchingly horrible stories. I just can't imagine a state of such poverty that human life is worth no more than $20. But that's depressing so I'll change the subject.

So here's a list of what all went on while he was home!

1. Veggin out with movies every night.

2. Crazy tickle fights!

3. Monty Python Marathon

4. Sneaking junk food behind Mom's back.

5. Nicholas bringing home a tiny jet-black kitten for me! (we named him/her George. Was there ever any doubt?)

6. Racing where ever we went. (I won twice!)

7. Crash refreshers course in stick shift driving in Nicholas' truck (I didn't crash!)

8. Backing into more inanimate objects (in MY car)

9. Making fun of Becca (LOTS and LOTS!)

10. Embarrassing the HECK out of Nicholas at every possible public opportunity.

11. Speeding tickets! Hurrah!


There was SO much more, but I have to leave and go see about a property. Gettin PAID!

Here's a good laugh for ya. My google hits this week: "robin lee" xanga and lesibein.

Your guess is as good as mine...

~"Waltz Tango Foxtrot, over?"~



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