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10:52 a.m. - Friday, Jan. 21, 2005
Dark Evil Brew
I don't like coffee.

No, really. There's just something about the taste of coffee that makes me go "BLECH!!" and I really do not like it. So much so, in fact, that for 19 years I studiously avoided all contact with that oh so caffeinated substance. A feat made near impossible as my mother and sister are addicted to it.

But avoid it, I did! "Heather, you're really dragging this morning. Do you want some coffee?" .... "Uh. No, Mom. I'd rather shrivel up into a moldy raisin. But thanks!"

Things changed a bit after I turned 19. I don't know if it was growing up, and working harder, or growing up and partying more, or growing up and working harder, staying up later, and partying more - But there came the occassional morning that brought the desperate need of a shot of "WAKE UP, HAG!".

And so, I would pour myself about 2 inches of that black beverage of Satan, and fill the rest of my cup with sugar and milk and whatever flavored creamer was handy. Just to wake up, you understand. Just needed to wake up.

... And then I discovered cappuccino. Oooh, cappuccino. With all that frothy white creaminess and shot of esspreso that doesn't taste like dreaded coffee. French Vanilla, Irish Cream, Hazelnut, Caramel.... how I loved the Cappuccino.

But not enough to drink it all the time. So still, I avoided the "coffee", only venturing into that dark realm of caffeine when there was no other alternative.

Around the beginning of this month, the building next to us opened their doors to the public. *Lucky Chuck's Internet Coffeehouse.

Yes, the same place that is displaying my photography (for sale !!!!!), is selling coffee. And not just ANY coffee. Oh no. There's flavors. And Cappuccino. And Frappuccino. And specialty coffee. With flavor.


ooooooooohhhh, the flavor. Tall Mocha Cappuccino with a shot of Coco Milano and extra froth, whip cream on the side sprinkled with chocolate shavings.

Yes. Every single day since that place opened, I have been there. Sitting at the bar. Ordering cappuccino. And coffee. All sorts of coffee. With FLAVORS. Not only that, but I am now working over there.

Last night was my First Day. I was taught the ropes. Led through the steps of creating all that frothy goodness that is cappuccino, frappuccino, and even that dark evil brew: coffee. My First Day, I was given the run down. And then left. To myself. Till close. By myself.

I discovered on my First Day, that I make one damn fine cuppa joe, and that I am indeed a valuable employee. For I did better with the closing than any of the other employees who have been there since opening. And I cleaned everything, too.

*Lucky Chuck's is open from 6am until midnight, with daily lunch specials available until 7pm. And I didn't get home until 1:30am.

Cappuccino, anyone?



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