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5:08 p.m. - Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005
Catching up
Friday Five:
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A litegator, or an architect.

2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened?
No. Can't afford law school, and I have no talent for architecture. I think it's fascinating, though.

3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse?
Uhmmm... yes AND no. It is mostly, except romantically. That's not at all what I thought it'd be. And it's worse. So very much worse. So chutup.

4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self?
"Listen, child. You may think that whole Christian School thing is a good idea, but it's totally not. Evil incarnate, ok? So just don't say a word... go BACK to public school. There ya go.... have a nice, third rate public education..."

5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you've become?
Yes. Because I still AM the child I was. Teehee!


Unconcious Mutterings:

Stalker :: night
Outrageous :: Courageous.
Carrying :: Crying
Spirited :: Stallion
Oh! :: My
Grid :: Guard
Country :: Steak
Karen :: Rector
Candles :: Romance
Relationship :: Deadly

I'm so weird...


Last Monday, my grandmother passed away in her sleep. The doctor said something about her patassium levels? I dunno.

It was a rough week, but everybody's alright. My Grandpa is still dealing, and I think that will take a long time. The general consensus here is that he'll follow her in a little while. Sad, but likely.

They were quite a pair, my grandparents. Never apart for more than a few days. Grandma was to my Grandfather... well, everything. She was his eyes, his ears, his way of communicating. She was the soft side of his hard personality.

I will miss her always, but I know that where she is now is so much better. No more pain or illness. No more worry.

At least she got to see Rebecca get a boyfriend, and Bradley start a family. That made her so happy.

The whole week was spent with our family. We drove about 3 hours up there, and 3 hours back every day - but it was worth it. My LOVELY wonderful fabulous darling gorgeous incredible Cousin Zac whom I love and adore with all my heart (whom I call Brusin [brother/cousin] and he calls me Custer [Cousin/Sister] for fun) spent the night at our house instead of up there when he got into town. Said it was just too crowded.

Can't really blame him there. About 25 people all in one house? Safe to say they ran out of bed space.

But there was fun. All of us just spending time together. Laughing and remembering Grandma and having fun.

Wednesday was the viewing of Grandma in her casket - that was tough - and also the night Zac got in. I was ok until that. Only cried once really, and held it back, until that. But Wednesday Zac got into town, and when I walked into the funeral home he was standing near the door. He looked up at me, and just opened up his arms. I lost it. We hugged, we cried. Pretty much inseperable after that. He came home with us, spent Thursday with us... Friday with me... Went home late Friday night/Saturday morning.

Thursday was the funeral. Red came with Becca, and Nicholas wore his dress blues. He was so purty. The service at the funeral home was hard, and it made me mad. The pastor preached for an hour. Red fell asleep! The man put Red to SLEEP! It just makes me fume, even now. A funeral is NOT the time NOR the place for an hour long sermon. Grr.

After the service, there was a big lunch, and Bradley had put together a slide show of Grandma with random friends and family. It was so sweet... he did so good with that. My cousins Chace and Drew (Brad's brothers) played the music for it. Just strummed their guitars really. It was beautiful. My favorite was the picture of Grandma holding Zac and I when we were babies.

After lunch, there was a graveside service. 2 hours away. The drive there was awful. We left late, (because they could really start without Grandpa and the family *that's sarcasm*) and Uncle W, the Leader of our Convoy drove erratically, as he was trying to hurry. We lost him twice. There was a car behind us that we never saw again. Three other cars showed up 15 minutes after we did, because we had to call and give them directions as they were quite lost.

(Note that during all this, Nicholas was driving one car, and Zac another. They raced. Frequently. One time, Ryan, Cassey, and Clint passed us in their car, only to slow down and let us pass them again. Because Cassey had her face pressed against the window with her nose all wacky. That was just so fun...)

The actual service was better. Grandma was beautiful, the flowers were beautiful, and the song Drew sang was... pretty...

Unfortunately, then they let Uncle R get up pull his pious freak act. The man has mental problems.

After that, things were pretty uneventful. Aside from all the laughter, I mean. Because there was much laughter.

Friday was good as well. Becca went to Austin with Red for the weekend (they were chaperoned!), and Mom & I went back to Aunt K and Uncle W's house. I think I stepped inside a grand total of 5 times. Zac and I sat outside pretty much the entire day as it was just so HOT in the house. We just sat around on the ground talking. Around nightfall, we went inside for supper, and I took Brad & his wife Crystal to look at a couple houses they're interested in buying. When we got back, the whole family had circled around in the living room. They were telling stories and singing songs. Aunt Elva (she's probably 98 and all of 3 feet tall...) recited a poem that was so sweet... and it was funny! She's such a feisty one! "I'm a drinkin' from my saucer, 'cause my cup done overflowed!"

When things got particularly depressing (specifically when Uncle R would start talking) Veronica and I would start randomly dancing. When Drew played a slow song on his guitar we slow danced. When there was an toe tapper, we started doing disco moves... It was great. Did the Square-Dance once. Veronica is just HILARIOUS. And she's 14 now! So big!!! Except stick thin. And gorgeous.

And my baby Gabe! Oh, my baby Gabe. He's 12. I even asked him if he minded me calling him My Baby Gabe. He said no. Teehee.

And Jeremiah... with his little son Isaiah.... SO cute. And Chace!! It was so good to see all of them.

It was just a good time all week. With the exception of the crying.

I miss my Grandma.




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