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10:12 a.m. - Friday, Apr. 15, 2005
A few random thoughts
It's the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, (books by this author) born in the Republic of Florence (1452). He only finished a few paintings in his life, including The Last Supper (1495-98) and Mona Lisa (c. 1503-06). He worked very slowly. A monk who watched him paint The Last Supper said he often showed up, stared at his half finished painting for a while, and then went home for the day, without painting anything. He kept the Mona Lisa with him for most of his life, working on it now and again, and then taking breaks for years.

But his notebooks overflowed with ideas about architecture and technology of all kinds. Even the doodle pictures of parachutes he drew in the margin of his notes turned out to be technically perfect designs. He made architectural sketches of churches that looked like seashells or blossoming flowers, none of which got built, because they were too impractical. Most of his ideas were too ambitious for the tools that existed at the time.

Leonardo's notebooks are full of one sentence, repeated again and again, and scholars believe he wrote it whenever he was testing out a newly cut pen. That sentence was, "Tell me, tell me if anything got finished."

It's stuff like this that I find completely fascinating.


Once again, I forgot to take that picture of my living room without the "artsy-fartsy" negative look. I'll get it eventually, I promise!


The entry I didn't get to write the other day is merely postponed, not cancelled. Have no fear Radiogurl! Teehee.

I'm just not writing it today, because I haven't got any creative juices flowin. Oh well!


Just in case anyone's wondering, I'm not writing about Gene. Because that would require stopping and thinking about it, and that would not be condusive to ... well ... anything.

So, I'm just not.

except I really miss him...


DOOFUS called last night! I was SO excited! Because the last handful of times he's tried to call me, I've had to run out the door to an appointment, or I've been spending time with my grandparents who were visiting for a weekend a little bit ago (which I'll write about later because DEAR GOD!), or I've been in my car on my cell phone with very bad reception, or someone's had to use the phone RIGHT THEN to make 30 phone calls.

Yes, there was much frustration.

But he called last night!! Oh it was so nice catching up with him. To just sit and talk about the various things we're going through.

An odd thing about Doofus and I. It seems that whenever one of us goes through some sort of major experience, be it good or bad, the other is either going through the same thing right then, or goes through it in the near future. As if our lives work in sync'. I suppose it could be somewhat freaky if I sat down and thought about it...

I laughed so much. He just cracks me up! Especially when there's a pause in the conversation because it is quickly covered by a few random noises from his large repertoire of sounds. Last night, I believe he demonstrated the mating call of the bullfrog. Quite amusing.



And just in case, HI HBB!! Hope you're feelin better! *MWAH* you stunning hunk of hillbilly man!

I started this entry at 10:00 this morning. It's now almost 1:30... good Lord...


Whoever said Texas was flat, was really really wrong:



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