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6:01 a.m. - Friday, May. 21, 2004
Very long explanation
So, I should probably expand on my little "People Suck" rage from the other day. Quite a few people expressed concern and/or admiration for my vent. (There's more than one link for each of those words)

Last wednesday I was very very excited, as I had spent most of my afternoon working with a really sweet little old couple who wanted to buy a small lot of land to pull a Mobile Home in on.

I asked them several times if they were working with a Realtor, to which they replied to my face "No".

I showed them around, all afternoon... in my car. Going far and wide. Hitting the farthest reaches of this county. Exploring all the little backroads where the best properties are found. Using MY gas. (As you know, gas prices are now REDICULOUSLY expensive.)

At the end of the day they didn't have time to stay and fill out and sign a Buyer's Representation agreement. (This is a form which makes sure I get paid for the work I have done. Such as using up all my over-priced gas to drive them around to find the perfect piece of land. As well as the extensive paperworks and research involved. Ask Savannah)

Anyways, I spent the next week trying to call them with information I'd found on the piece they wanted, and to schedule a time to fill out an offer and sign the Buyer's Rep. The phone was either busy, or no answer, so I left many many many many (many many many many) messages.

Alright I'm exaggerating with the 'many's. Whatever.

The other day, Mr. Buyer waltzes into the office and says, "You left a message and said there was something I needed to fill out? What did you mean?"

So, I sit down and explain about the Buyer's Rep, and why we need it signed, and how it benifits them, the buyers.

AS SOON AS THE LAST WORD LEAVES MY MOUTH, Mr. Buyer hands me a piece of paper. It's a flyer for a property. Something completely opposite from what they told me they were looking for.

So I say, "Oh, is this something you'd like to go see?"

Mr. Buyer: "No."

Me: "Ok.... is it something you're interested in?"

Mr. Buyer: "No. Do you know where it is?"

Me: "No, sir, but I can easily find out. Are you sure it's not something you want to go see?" (said with a smile)

Mr. Buyer: "We just bought it."

Me: "You... bought it."

Mr. Buyer: "Yes."

Me: "Oh....k. Ah.... well, congratulations, I hope it works out for you."

Mr. Buyer: "Yeah. If this falls through, we'll want to get that other place we looked at."

Me: (in my head "Like hell you deceitful, coniving, wastemytimeandmoney manipulative rat-bastard") "Alright, then. We'll see what happens. Congratulations again." (smile still on my face)

Mr. Buyer: "Was there anything else you needed?"

Me: "No, sir. Just the Buyer's Rep. We don't need that now."

Mr. Buyer: "Ok. Have a nice day."

Turns out that the day before they came to me, they were over at *V32 (OF ALL PLACES!!!) putting an offer on this other place. Turns out that they'd been working with V32 since the beginning of May.

Turns out that they lied to me.

Point Blank.

To my face.

Turns out that they used me.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why sweet little old people SUCK.

--------------- BEGIN RANT ---------------

Word of advice:
Should you ever desire to obtain real property at some point in the future, go to ONE Agent.

If you don't like them, that's fine. TELL THEM that it's not working, and you don't think it would be prudent to work with them any longer.

If you go to another Agent, TELL THEM that you worked previously with another.

You HAVE to fully disclose where you stand financially, and where you have been looking before, as well as with whom. We can't help you, if you don't. It makes things too muddled, and too difficult. It makes things tense between everyone involved (including the previous Agent).

It's nearly Impossible to do business without a clean, pleasant relationship between all the local Agents. If things aren't - then they won't work together.

If they refuse to work together, then the client is screwed because nobody is looking out for THEIR (the client's) best interests anymore.

And THAT is our job. To look out for YOUR best interests, in a business transaction. To deal with all the little details that unlicensed citizens never see. To find you what YOU need, what YOU want, and what YOU are able to deal with, both financially, realistically, and emotionally.

I say emotionally because real estate IS an emotional business. You put your hopes and dreams into a house. If you buy a piece of crap, thinking it was wonderful, that hurts. If you buy a wonderful home and loose it because someone didn't make sure you could financially deal with the payments... that hurts.

That's what Realtors� are here for.

Don't screw with us, we won't screw with you.

--------------- END RANT ---------------

Don't worry, today is looking up.

Oh yes... still filled with MUCH stress, but:


B - StarLight42 helped me fix my Comments! (They will be located at the end of this entry, woohoo!)


D - I'll be getting paid in the next 2 weeks. A Whole lotta money.


F - I had about 7 people today tell me that either I rock, or they just love me, or that I'm way talented, which is sorta funny because 7 is my favorite number.

And last, but certainly not least:


So yeah, today is LOTS better!


* This company's name was changed to protect them, and their agents. They're actually nice people. Most of the time.
Although, I think that Savannah might have an inkling as to whom I am referring to.

P.S. Please refrain from commenting on any of my older entries, as I won't be notified, and therefore, won't have a clue that it's there... THANKS! :o) ;o)



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