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12:12 p.m. - Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

HAAA!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! Oh that cracked me up SO bad!! I am so using that. Every day. I am going to MAKE a reason to use THAT word. How GREAT is that word!?

That's my new favorite word ever. So long, anyways, hello ANYWHOODOODLES!!!



But moving on. Friday Five!:

What was...

1. ...your first grade teacher's name?
Mrs. Kameinous (I don't know how she spelled it!), but she got married, and now she's Mrs. Wood.

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
Well, it used to be CardCaptors but that doesn't come on here anymore. *sniffle*

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?
Maranda Donaho

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?
tie between Maple & Brown Sugar Cream of Wheat, or Malt-o-Meal. Mmm... then there's oatmeal. Yes, I know. I'm a freak.

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?
Play outside until dark, then lay in the grass with my cats romping all over me, either reading, writing, or listening to music and watching the sky.

Yep! That's me! Nerd, freak, dork, and weirdo, all in one!


Kristi came home on leave today. She's got about 15 days she said. I picked her up from the bus station in Waco, at 7:30 this morning. Or, I was supposed to pick her up at 7:30. It didn't really work that way, as she game me the wrong address, then the bus driver gave me the wrong directions, and I ended up circling Downtown for the next half hour. That's alright tho. I finally stopped and asked A Complete Stranger (which proves I am NOT a guy!). Turns out I was one block away from the place. GREAT! I'm the nerd. Again.

The problem here is that I woke myself up at 4.


Because I just KNEW that if I didn't get up way early, I wouldn't get up at all.

Only I didn't get home last night till after 11.


Which naturally means that I didn't get to sleep till after 1 or so.

Do ya think I'm tired yet!?

Yep..... I like to complain about being tired. Makes me feel like I'm resting by virture of wishful vocalization.

S'all worth it, I guess. I've missed that girl! She be lookin goooood too. I'm jealous. She's lost all this weight, and actually dresses nice. I mean... decent shirts that fit. And she tucks em in occassionaly. I stand in awe. The Military does GREAT things, my friend. Great things.




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