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1:02 p.m. - Friday, Oct. 31, 2003
A little curious
Ok, I am gonna give YOU all a little survey. Leave your answers in my notes. If you're not a diaryland subscriber, then you can email in your answers.

1. If you and your spouse/significant other did not agree on what you wanted to name your child, what would you do to settle the issue?

2. What are your thoughts on taking a vote between your work pals to figure out what to name said child?

3. Would you be bitter if you grew up knowing that the name you would be called for the rest of your life, Your NAME, was chosen in such a flippant, thoughtless and irreverant manner?

4. If not bitter, then what would your reaction be?

5. Last but not least: What aspects do you consider important to think about when choosing a name for a child? What goes into your decision?

Let me know!




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