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2:30 p.m. - Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003
naps and big brothers
hmmmmmm. today.....

another sleepy day. My brother's a United States Marine, he's in the reserves. I'm so proud of him. He's fantastic. And so much fun. People think we can't stand each other, because when we're hangin out, we always crack jokes and play-fight. We have fun. And we know when the other is playin.

Anyways..... wow. My mind's jumping. Nicholas (my brother) works just one building over from me, at Chicken Express. He's a manager. It's so cool. We get to go over and hang out with him and the others that work there, and they all know us. Did that last night. Hung out a long time there. Drank LOTS of their sweet tea. They have GOOD sweet tea. It's like a big sugar rush in the first sip. Had a blast.

Which means I had way too much caffeine (or however you spell it) and didn't get any sleep till after 3am. Yay.

Yesterday I said that I was taking the first step towards my dreams. I am. I'm studying for this big huge test, trying to get into this college for these classes I wanna take. Photography, Computer Programming, etc... I also want to take all kinds of Math courses. I love math. Numbers and me... we get along just PEACHILY ;o)

Anyways... the studying's a breeze... haven't been stumped yet (Praise God, let it stay that way) and Jennifer's a great study partner. 'S'all Good ;o)

Sleepie no wakie... zzzzzzz




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