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2:25 p.m. - Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003
The First Day
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Today is the day that I begin to follow my dreams. I pick up the pieces of my shattered self-confidence, pack up all my low self-esteem, and toss them out with the rest of my baggage.

I hold my head up high, with faith in my heart, and Grace in my eyes: and I take that first step out the door. Beyond my safety. Outside my comfort. Leaving behind what I have done, and seeking out what I CAN DO. What I WANT to do. What is mine to do.

Take a deep breath. Close my eyes. Reach my arms up and smile.

Guide my steps into the unknown, Father. Take my hand and lead me into Your Future. Leaning on You, I know I will not fail. You are my strength, and my wisdom. My knowledge, my hope.

With You, this journey is full of joy, peace, and great discoveries of me.

My first step is steady. Hold me for the next. Hold me as the breeze flows thru my hair, and the sun shines onto my path. Keep me near You as we pass the glorious gardens. Your beautiful canvas that is this world.

Take my hand. Run with me. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.




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